Gold in Malaysia PR Awards 2016/2017

A total of 202 UTAR Public Relations (PR) students has marked yet another milestone when their PR campaign, “WOW Kampar” clinched the Gold Award in the Malaysia PR Awards (MPRA) 2016/2017 at a ceremony held in PRISM, Continuum & Reflexion, Connexion @ Nexus Bangsar South City on 10 November 2017.

Representing the group to receive the prestigious award was Senior Vice President of WOW Kampar Public Relations Division Desmond Tan Chong Kee together with WOW Kampar Advisors Wahi Irwan bin Abd Kahar and Muhamad Qamar Rahman bin Md Isa. They received the award from the MPRA Organising Chairperson-cum-Managing Director of Centriq PR Jacqueline Arnold.

“I could not believe that WOW Kampar won this year’s Malaysia PR Awards. This is an award for my team and it proves us right once again. Many thanks to the committees and our advisors,” said WOW Kampar President, Chan Shu Ting.

“Winning this award is something we have always aimed for. We worked tirelessly throughout this event to ensure the event is a success. Our hard work is finally paid off and it is a recognition to UTAR, being the sole gold recipient in the “Institutions of Higher Learning – Students” category, ahead of TAR UC and Taylor's which was awarded Silver and Bronze award respectively,” said Tan.  

“This award once again proved that the UTAR Public Relations course is one of the best in Malaysia and I am proud of all the 202 event planning and management students in achieving the Gold Award. Special thanks to Perak State Government, Ministry of Finance, Kampar District Council (MDKpr), Tourism Perak, Grand Kampar Hotel, event partners, media partners, sponsors, collaborators, visitors, committees and everyone for your support and commitment,” said WOW Kampar Advisor Wahi Irwan.

“I joined WOW Kampar during the event management semester but I could feel the exhilaration of WOW Kampar in winning this award. It makes me proud to be one of the advisors for WOW Kampar,” said Qamar Rahman.

WOW Kampar is a campaign organised by UTAR together with MDKpr in conjunction with Visit Perak Year 2017. The event campaign was overseen by a total of 202 UTAR PR students with the support of the Perak State Government and Tourism Perak. WOW Kampar was held from 24 to 26 March 2017 at Kampar and has also received Anugerah Galakan Kecemerlangan Acara, an honour awarded by the Perak State Government.

With the presence of Committee Chairman for Tourism, Arts, Culture, Communications and Multimedia Perak Darul Ridzuan Dato' Nolee Ashilin Mohammed Radzi as a Patron, WOW Kampar was successfully officiated during its launching ceremony on 24 March 2017. The closing ceremony was graced by Deputy Minister of Finance Dato' Lee Chee Leong on the last day of the event.

The WOW Kampar was part of the UAMP2023 Event Planning and UAMP2033 Event Management subject coursework. All programmes and activities designed were based on the five components, namely trade show, sports and recreation, community relations, entrepreneurship, and edutainment. WOW Kampar traditionally known as PR Campaign was initiated in 2011 and it has since gained momentum in becoming a significant annual event at UTAR Kampar Campus. 2017 is the sixth consecutive year the PR Campaign was held.

The Malaysian PR Awards is an annual programme by the Public Relations Consultants’ Association of Malaysia (PRCA Malaysia) which gives recognition to excellence in public relations and rewards PR consultants and PR consultancies for innovative communications solutions for clients.

This year, there were a total of 14 categories open for submission and the Malaysian PR Awards committee aimed to see the industry’s best work. WOW Kampar was rewarded under the category named “Institutions of Higher Learning – Students”. It was a new award meant for the most effective and innovative PR campaign initiated and conducted by students from higher learning institutions.

In 2015, a total of 217 students from the UTAR PR Campaign 2014/2015: Volunteerism IV bagged the Bronze Award in the Malaysia PR Awards 2014/2015. UTAR PR Campaign 2014/2015: Volunteerism IV was rewarded as the Bronze Award winner under the Public Sector Award.

Read more about WOW Kampar, its press conference and grand opening and closing here:

WOW Kampar press conference

Visitors WOW-ed by festival

Second from left: Tan, Wahi Irwan and Qamar Rahman receiving the award from Jacqueline

The prestigious Gold Award

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