Engaging youths to contribute towards sustainable development
Aimed at providing a stepping stone for the youths to explore, understand and assume responsibility on what they can do for the betterment of society and the environment, UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) in collaboration with the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) successfully organised the University Young Leaders Conference (UYLC) 2019 at Kampar Campus on 17 November 2019.
Dr Lim (seated third from left) with the speakers, panellists, participants and UTAR staff and students after the opening ceremony of UYLC 2019
Held for the third time since its inaugural edition in 2017, UYLC 2019 themed ‘SDGs: Leaving No One Behind, Gathering All for Sustainable Development’ is primarily aimed at enriching students’ critical thinking and perspective towards sustainable development goals as well as their role as leaders doing their part and making contributions to a better world tomorrow. The conference saw the participation of more than 200 young minds from both public and private higher learning institutions.
Present at the conference’s opening ceremony was Dean of Faculty of Science Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng representing UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations-cum-UYLC 2019 Organising Chairperson Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Chairperson of JCI Malaysia National Global Goals Commission, Member of Malaysian Civil Society Organisations (CSO)-SDG Alliance and Working Group Committee of Penang Green Council-United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-Governance and Institution and Keynote Speaker Joyline Chai, DSSC Kampar Campus Head Hee Chwen Yee and DSA Kampar Campus Head Chiang Jeng Fong.
Dr Lim emphasising the importance of youths’ involvement towards the achievement of the SDGs
Representing Prof Choong, Dr Lim extended his appreciation to the invited speakers and also the organising committee for creating a platform for the young leaders to learn and grow. “As an institution of higher learning, we also realise that it is highly important for us to nurture, enrich, empower and even inspire young minds. As a university “by the people, for the people”, the University has always had the community’s interests at heart as reflected by the diverse kinds of community engagement activities organised throughout the years. Some projects have enriched communities, while some have brought benefits to the needy. In this context, UYLC is also a form of community engagement initiative in which we enrich the youths.”
He added, “This year, with the theme ‘SDGs: Leading No One Behind, Gathering All for Sustainable Development’, we are focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) which is currently one of the most discussed and highlighted topics across various sectors worldwide. As youths are the important pillars of a nation, it is even more important for UTAR as a higher learning institution to spread awareness of these SDGs, to guide them on thinking along the lines of sustainability for future development, and to empower these budding leaders in expressing their opinions and becoming more involved in decision-making processes for the future.”
The conference kick-started with a keynote address titled “SDGs: Leaving No One Behind, Gathering All for Sustainable Development”. In her speech, Chai explained to the participants on the importance of the 17 United Nations SDGs as well as their interconnection as a holistic approach in achieving sustainable development for all. Her keynote address also touched on the roles of government, private sector, civil society and the youths in achieving SDGs. She also enlightened the participants with three main dimensions of SDGs, namely social, environment and economy. The JCI Malaysia National Global Goals Commission Chairperson also highlighted in her speech that through the conference, JCI aimed to become a mediator in mentoring the budding youths on the SDGs agenda.
The conference then was followed by a forum titled, “Leader’s Dialogue on Sustainable Development”. The panellists of the forums were Director of Team Some Group Companies Ceylyn Tay Wei Lung, Celebrity Women Empowerment Icon Datin Caroline Wong and Deputy Director of Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum Jacky Chew. The forum was moderated by DSSC’s lecturer Yoon Seck Hoe. The discussion touched on the diverse perspectives and understanding of the panellists on SDGs. The participants also gained valuable knowledge on what skills to develop to effectively contribute to SDGs. The forum also enriched the participants on the importance of leadership and how young leaders could be empowered in achieving SDGs.
The keynote speaker Chai (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Dr Lim
Dr Lim (right) presenting a token of appreciation to the forum panellists (clockwise from top left) Tay, Datin Wong, Yoon and Chew
Prof Choong (right) presenting a token of appreciation to UTAR academics (from left) Dr Yamuna and Dr Annaletchumy
Next on the agenda was the plenary sessions on the Sustainable Development Projects, titled “Build for Better Environment: Self-Sustain Integrated Waste Management Project for Villages” and “Teach for Better Future: STEM and English Education Project @ SJK (T) Kg. Simee. The two projects were presented by UTAR Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) lecturer Assoc Prof Dr M. Yamuna and UTAR Faculty of Science lecturer Dr L. Annaletchumy respectively. The two projects explained the efforts taken by the academics and faculties of UTAR in reaching out to the community to provide a better environment and future for the local community.
Project competition in progress
Further enriching the event was a student project competition titled “Young Leaders in Action for SDGs”. The competition was divided into three subcategories, namely “People”, “Planet” and “Education”. The competition aimed at providing a platform for students to showcase their past community projects as well as to demonstrate their social responsibilities and soft skills including communication, critical thinking and teamwork.
Workshop facilitator Chiu enlightening participants with relevant skills and knowledge of leadership and sustainability
Participants actively participating in the card games focusing on leadership and teamwork
Additionally, the conference also further equipped the participants with relevant skills and knowledge of leadership and sustainability through a workshop titled “Empowering Youth in Achieving SDGs: The 2030 SDGs Game”. The workshop focused on the games to develop leadership skills and other soft skills needed to fulfil the duty of accomplishing the 17 SDGs. The workshop also served as a platform for the participants to engage and strengthen their social network through active learning. The workshop was facilitated by the Chief Information Officer of HOPE Consulting Limited (Hong Kong) and HOPE Professional Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) Chiu Li Yen.
Prof Choong thanking the participants for being actively participated in the UYLC 2019
UYLC 2019 officially came to an end with Prof Choong delivering his closing remark. The Vice President applauded the participants’ commitment in attending the full session of UYLC 2019 which reflected their strong will and interests in learning. He concluded, “I hope UYLC 2019 has been able to achieve its objectives of sharpening your thinking and viewpoints towards global issues and giving you a better picture of the SDGs from the perspectives of young leaders, entrepreneurs as well as employers. While it is unrealistic to expect that there will be abrupt and definite changes immediately after events like this, I believe the seeds of awareness planted within your heart will eventually grow and guide you in the things you do within your capacity. You could be an engineer, doctor, teacher, scientist, or even homemaker, but if you understand the importance of sustainability and the need for it, then I am certain that your actions will be reflective of those sustainable development goals.”
UYLC 2019 is a youth enrichment programme that is in line with the university’s commitment in producing knowledgeable and forward-thinking graduates with values and ethics to face new frontiers.
Prof Choong (seated sixth from left) with the speakers, participants, UTAR staff and students at the closing ceremony of UYLC 2019
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