Team of three LKC FES students named champion at Olimpiad Matematik Universiti Malaysia 2022

Tee (centre), Loo (second from right), UTAR LKC FES lecturer Wong Kuan Wai (far right) and other UTAR participants

A team of three Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) students, which comprised Tee Yee Kai, Loo Kar Yuan and Ng Yue Heng, Sylvester, secured first place in the group category of Olimpiad Matematik Universiti Malaysia Competition 2022 (OMUM), held on 3 December 2022 at Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Each of them was also awarded top 10 best contestants in the individual category. Not only that, Tee Yee Kai from the champion team even succeeded in securing second place in the individual category.

During the prize-giving ceremony on 17 December 2022, the team received RM1,000 cash prize, trophies and certificates for their outstanding accomplishment. Meanwhile, Tee, who won second place in the individual category walked away with a cash prize of RM600, a trophy and a certificate.

A total of 42 participants from 12 Malaysian universities competed against one another in the final round of the competition. The competition aimed to measure the mathematic ability of undergraduate students of Malaysian universities; provide early exposure and initiative for students to participate in Mathematic competitions at the international level as well as develop the potential of students to become mathematicians and scientists.

On behalf of the team, the team leader, Tee, was astonished to learn the results. “I am very surprised and happy about our achievement in this competition. I joined this competition because my academic advisor Ms Wong Kuan Wai notified me about it. Hence, I took the opportunity to be part of this competition with my team. This goal was achieved thanks to all the effort from UTAR participants,” enthused Tee about his team’s achievement.

Tee added that every team member made their own preparation to face the competition. As for him, he tried to revise his memory by briefly reading through some lecture notes and doing some past year examination questions.

Tee also expressed his gratitude to UTAR, saying, “Thank you, UTAR, for providing us with transportation to the competition venue as well as the guiding lecturers for providing continuous support to all the UTAR participants.”

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