Japanese Ambassador Visits UTAR Perak Campus

February 26, 2009


His Excellency Mr. Masahiko Horie, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia , accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Yoko Horie, paid a courtesy visit to the Perak Campus of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Kampar on 23 February 2009.

His Excellency and his wife, the first ambassador to visit the Perak Campus, were greeted warmly by UTAR President, Ir. Professor Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR senior officials, staff and students during His grand entrance to the University.

During the visit, the Japanese Ambassador was briefed on the history and milestones of UTAR since its inception in 2002. The two parties exchanged initial ideas on the potential for academic, student exchange programme and research collaboration with the Japanese universities and institutions.

H.E. Masahiko Horie also delivered a lecture titled "Japan Post-War Restoration and Cool Earth 50" to a large audience of over 700 UTAR staff and students. The audience was impressed with the ability of the Ambassador to deliver his friendly address in fluent Bahasa Malaysia . The Ambassador shared on the Japan 's success in modernizing its economy. From almost total destruction, Japan rose to become one of the most powerful economies in the world. According to the Ambassador, the Japanese spirit and values such as team work, discipline, diligence, good work ethics and competent management system were factors which contributed towards Japan 's success. His Excellency also highlighted Japan 's energy conservation efforts and its "Cool Earth 50" plan.

Later, the visiting delegation was taken on a campus tour. H.E. Masahiko Horie expressed his admiration of what have been achieved and the quality of education offered by UTAR within a short span of time. He wished the University success and prosperity and would look forward to visit UTAR again in the future.

Media Contact:
Ms. Joanne Yue, Manager
Division of Corporate Communications & Institutional Research 
Tel: 05-466 2323 ext 2290
Fax: 05-466 1313
E-mail yuejw@utar.edu.my.

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