Gems of Wisdom for UTAR new students from Deputy Minister of Higher Education

Some 2,400 new students of UTAR Perak Campus got the rare opportunity to meet and listen to some words of wisdom by Yang Berhormat Dr. Hou Kok Chong, Deputy Minister of Higher Education at the University's Mass Call for May 2009 intake on 27 May 2009.

On arrival, Yang Berhormat Dr. Hou were received by Ir. Prof. Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, President of UTAR and University senior officials. He was given a rousing welcome by the University students and staff who lined up at the entrance.

The Mass Call, which is part of UTAR's tradition to welcome and solemnise new students to be part of UTAR vibrant community, started with the introduction of UTAR President and the senior officials, who are seated on the stage, to the new students. This was followed by a speech by Yang Berhormat Dr. Hou. In his highly motivating speech, Dr. Hou offered gems of wisdom to the group of young and eager minds. He highlighted two important aspects in the process of education, that is, firstly, education process never stops throughout our lives and secondly, education is more than just learning facts and professional skills.

Dr. Hou elaborated, "University education which you are entering now is only a stage in the educative process - it is a very important stage but it is certainly not the end. I am confident that UTAR will instil in you the awareness and eagerness to learn and continue to learn throughout your lives. UTAR provides many programmes to enhance lifelong learning through numerous talks and courses organised by its Centre for Extension Education and the many soft skills programmes organised by the University's Department of Soft Skills Competency."

On learning beyond classroom, Dr. Hou said, "Education beyond learning facts and skills will have major impact on your performance at work, your contribution to society, your relationship with people and your approach towards life in general. I would like to point out the necessity to use your university days to be educated in other areas such as development of communication and people skills, leadership and teamwork abilities, integrity, creative thinking and positive attitude. This is by no means an exhaustive list but a good indication of the many areas you could develop in with the opportunity of a good education at UTAR."

Dr. Hou also encouraged the students to participate actively in numerous projects in the University such as blood donations campaign, fundraising and welfare activities and crime prevention programme to play their role in contributing to the society. In conclusion, he urged the students to maximize their learning opportunities at UTAR and make their university life an enriching and wholesome experience.

The mass call ended on a positive note with the oath-taking ceremony where students declared their pledge towards the University and the Nation as they embark on the adventure of learning and discovery at UTAR.

YB Dr. Hou Kok Chong, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, (centre) accompanied by Ir. Prof. Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR President (right).

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