First Malaysian Education Colloquium by UTAR and MAE

Closing the education-industry gap as a key step in developing the economy of the nation was discussed in depth at the Malaysian Education Colloquium 2010 Series, organised jointly by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and the Malaysian Association for Education (MAE) on 29 June 2010 at the UTAR Petaling Jaya Campus.

The invited speakers at the colloquium, Amir Hamzah, the CEO of Petronas Dagangan Berhad and Dr Sheikh Ghazali Abod, Group Head of Education, Sime Darby Berhad, presented their views of the gap between education and industry.

The colloquium, which was chaired by Professor Dr Zainal Aripin Zakariah of U niversiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL) , saw gaps in the qualifications produced by higher education providers and the needs of the industry, with over-supply in some specialisations and under-supply in others. The colloquium noted the declining production of workforce with vocational and technical training.

The graduates produced by higher education institutions have to be prepared to function in the knowledge economy that is borderless and is characterized by short life-cycle production and new ways of doing things. They have to have a global mindset, be technology savvy, mobile, autonomous, open to diversity, creative and innovative.

Integrity is also a virtue that the industry holds high, in order for the nation to move ahead in the global economy. Integrity would enable the nation to develop socially and economically where meritocracy and benefits flow to the rightful beneficiaries.

The colloquium concludes that all elements involved in education system, including the infrastructure and facilities, contents and curriculum, regulators, players and stakeholders need to work together to bridge the education-industry gap so that the nation may move faster towards competing in the global economy.

From left : Encik Amir, Prof Zainal and Dr Sheikh

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