Counselling Centre to aid community

Driven by the desire to serve the UTAR community and the public, the University's Centre of Applied Pyschology (CAP) took the initiative to establish the UTAR Community Counselling Centre at UTAR Perak Campus. The centre, which is the first of its kind in Perak, was launched by UTAR Council Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik on 30 October 2013. 

Invited to witness the launching were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR Planning and Development Committee Advisor Tan Sri Dato Hew See Tong, UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee and Kampar District Police Chief Supt Ng Kong Soon. All of them were accompanied by Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) Dr Cheah Phaik Kin, Chairperson of Centre for Applied Psychology Dr Lee Mah Ngee and FAS Department of Psychology and Counselling lecturer Low Siew Kim.

"Being a university which is by the people for the people, UTAR has always felt compelled to contribute back to the society and this counselling centre is one of the many initiatives of the University in appreciation and support of this cause. Through this community counselling centre, it is hoped that members of the community will be able to seek assistance for good mental health with more convenience," remarked Prof Chuah, who also mentioned that counselling and psychological support services have become more important in recent years and hoped that the centre will create an impact on the community in the region. "I would like to thank Tun Dr Ling for taking time off to attend this launch and also the organising committee for all your hard work and commitment."

Prof Chuah delivering his address during the launch

 Dr Cheah also took the opportunity to share with the guests an overview of the counselling centre. Mooted by Low, the objectives of the UTAR Community Counselling Centre include creating a friendly, harmonious and psychologically healthy society, discovering and nurturing the unused potential in every individual, instilling positive attitudes and values in the society, helping every individual to live to his or her fullest and searching for meaning in life and finding one's true self. "The centre has dedicated volunteers and students trained by professional counsellors. Currently, we have five types of counselling rooms, namely the Group Counselling Room, Sandtray Therapy Room, Individual Counselling Room, Psychology Room and Observation Room," shared Dr Cheah, who added that the centre is collaborating with colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on psychiatric counselling and treatment.


Dr Cheah introducing the UTAR Community Counselling Centre

Tun Dr Ling, when giving his opening address at the launch, voiced his concern over the alarming suicide rate in recent years. "The World Health Organization reported that every 40 seconds, a person dies from committing suicide." he said, and applauded the CAP for setting up the UTAR Community Counselling Centre that could be of great help to the community. "The counselling centre is a good idea and we can change the world by changing the environment we live in," he concluded.

Tun Dr Ling sharing his sentiments

The UTAR Community Counseling Centre can be contacted at 05-4658451 (Fax: 05-4667597) and opens from Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm (except for public holidays). Services offered include face-to-face counselling and these services also cater to the public (non-UTAR staff/students).

Prof Chuah presenting a token of appreciation to Tun Dr Ling

(From left) Dr Cheah, Prof Chuah, Tun Dr Ling, Tan Sri Hew, Supt Ng, Dr Lee and Low

Tun Dr Ling signing the plaque

Tun Dr Ling and Prof Chuah cutting the ribbon while Dr Cheah looks on

Tun Dr Ling visiting the Counselling Centre's Observation Room

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