Present and former IEM presidents sign MoU

Prof Chuah (front, third from right) exchanging MoU documents with Ir Choo while others look on

"It is like homecoming for me.  I grew up with IEM and I knew this place in and out," said UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik at the ceremony for the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) at IEM headquarters in Petaling Jaya on 11 October 2013.

Prof Chuah, a former IEM president (2009-2011), signed the MoU with his counterpart IEM President Ir Choo Kok Beng.

"One day, all of us will retire.  We need young blood to succeed.  I hope the MoU will lead our UTAR Engineering students to have an early exposure to this professional body," Prof Chuah added.  He mentioned how he had grown up with IEM to eventually becoming a professional engineer.  He added that he would urge UTAR Engineering students to grab the benefits offered by this pact.

 "Now that we have formalised our ties with UTAR, we are heading to do the same with all local universities which offer engineering courses, so to guide the students to becoming great future engineers," said Ir Choo.

Under the MoU, UTAR will set up an IEM Centre on campus for its IEM Student Section and IEM members, while IEM will recommend experts to present lectures, courses and seminars to the faculty members and students of UTAR.  UTAR will encourage its Engineering students to register as IEM student and its Engineering graduates and relevant staff to register as IEM members.  IEM will sponsor 30 percent of membership fees it collects in UTAR to support the activities of IEM Centre in UTAR.  In addition, UTAR and IEM will also collaborate on research and consultancy activities, joint organisation of seminars and academic meetings, and exchange of academic materials and technical information.

"It [the MoU] does not only serve to recruit students as IEM members, but also offers the opportunity for other areas of collaboration including R&D," said Prof Chuah.

Prof Chuah presenting Ir Choo with the UTAR 10th anniversary commemorative book

Also present at the ceremony were past IEM President Datuk Ir Prof Dr Ow Chee Sheng, IEM Executive Director Ir Cheang Kok Meng, IEM Vice Chairman of Standing Committee on Admissions and Practical Training Ir Gunasagaran Kristnan, IEM Council Member Ir Ishak Abdul Rahman, UTAR Faculty of Engineering and Science Dean Prof Ir Dr Yow Ho Kwang, UTAR  Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dean Dr Yap Vooi Voon, and UTAR Community and International Networking Director Dr Tan Sin Leng.

The primary function of IEM, established in 1959, is to promote and advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering.

Representatives of the two MoU partners: (front, from left) Datuk Ir Prof Dr Ow, Ir Choo, Prof Chuah, Prof Ir Dr Yow, (back, from right) Dr Yap, Dr Tan, Ir Ishak, Ir Gunasagaran, Ir Cheang, and IEM staff

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