UTAR forges close ties with Taiwan universities

Two months after the visit by the Taiwan delegation of 12 universities led by its Minister of Education, Dr Chiang Wei-ling to UTAR on 27 July 2013, the University reciprocated with a similar visit to Taiwan beginning 13 October to 17 October 2013.

The UTAR delegation to Taiwan was led by Council Chairman, Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik. The delegation also included UTAR Vice President (R&D and Commercialisation) Ir Prof Dr Lee Sze Wei, Dean of Faculty of Science Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng and Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr Yap Vooi Voon.

Included in the itinerary were visits to several universities, namely, Tamkang University, National Yang-Ming University, National Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University and National Taipei University of Technology.

During the five-day visit, UTAR signed a joint MoU with National Yang-Ming University and University System of Taiwan.  UTAR and National Yang-Ming University will join hands in collaborative academic activities on medical and health sciences and on collaborations that included welcoming adjunct professors to UTAR. As a comprehensive university, UTAR will also team up with University System of Taiwan to look into areas like engineering, health sciences, arts and social science, creative industries, management and so on. The MoA exchange between UTAR and National Chiao Tung University included collaborations on student exchanges for postgraduate studies. Postgraduate students of both universities are allowed to utilise the research facilities at either universities for R&D purposes. The University also signed an MoU with National Taipei University of Technology incorporating staff and student exchanges as well as R&D collaborations.

Going global is part of the University's 10-year strategic plan. To date, UTAR has established strong relationships with more than 80 institutions of higher learning from as far as Germany, Poland, South Korea, Japan, Kenya, Tanzania, Australia, the USA and other economies. The University's prudent move to augment staff and students' international networking via various international collaborations has been nothing but rewarding. In fact, UTAR had forged formal collaborations with more than 25 universities in Taiwan previously including National Tsing Hua University, I-Shou University and others.

The benefits that UTAR students have reaped from the international collaborations are aplenty. Currently, four UTAR postgraduate students have been selected to do internship in areas like Psychology, Chinese Studies, Computer Science and Engineering under the National Chiao Tung University Elite Internship Programme. UTAR lecturer Tian Kian Wee who has been accepted by National Taiwan University would have his PhD thesis co-supervised by both National Taiwan University and UTAR. Upon completion, he would then be conferred Doctor Philosophy in Life Science from the former and also the Doctor of Philosophy in Science from the latter. National Tsing Hua University has also been working with UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies since 2012 through the International Volunteer Programme to assist in collecting and preserving historical records and text at Gopeng Museum. Besides that, there is also growing number of students from UTAR receiving scholarships to pursue postgraduate studies at different universities at Taiwan.

The visit by the UTAR delegation was aimed at strengthening the relationships that had already been established with some of the major Taiwan universities besides seeking to explore new ones. The visit was also at the invitation of Dr Chiang Wei-ling during his visit to UTAR in July this year for UTAR to explore further collaborations with other institutions of higher learning in Taiwan which has a total of 162 universities.


The UTAR delegates taking a group photo with Tamkang University President Dr Flora Chang Chia-I (front row center) and representatives from the university.

Prof Chuah presenting tokens of appreciation to National Yang-Ming University President Dr Liang Kung-Yee.

University System of Taiwan Chancellor Prof Ovid Tseng J. L. receiving souvenirs from Tun Dr Ling and Prof Chuah.


Prof Chuah exchanging an MoA with National Chiao Tung University Senior Vice President Dr Shieh Han-Ping, witnessed by Tun Dr Ling.


TunDr Ling presenting a pewter plaque as a token of appreciation to National Taiwan University Vice President for Administrative Affairs Dr Chang Ching-Ray.


Prof Chuah and National Taipei University of Technology President Dr Yao Leehter shaking their hands after signing the MoU while TunDr Ling looks on.

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