A waltz into history books

As night fell, a total of 234 pairs waltzed their way into the Malaysia Book of Records for registering the highest number of waltz couples on a single occasion during the Waltz with Love II event held at Student Pavillion II at UTAR Perak Campus on 27 July 2013.

A halt in time: Participants of the Waltz with Love II striking a standstill position

It was a childhood fantasy came true for most of the participants, who, as toddlers, were enraptured at the thought of engaging their prince and princess charming in decorum evocative of the Victorian-era nouveau riche. Reenacting the classical vibe with a modern day touch, it was an enchanting sight to behold as the 234 pairs of genteelly garbed UTAR students sashayed in signature refined strides to the American Idol David Cook's everlasting number, 'Time of My Life'.

Endless sensation: One of the waltz couples clocking in a symbolic embrace

"There are many activities one could enjoy, and dancing is a simple gateway to pleasure," said Wong Yong Xiang, who, along with course mate Tharneswaran a/l Gunesegaran, were appointed as emcees of the event. Launched by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Assoc Prof Dr Teh Chee Seng, the affair was attended by VIPs who, apart from Dr Teh, included UTAR Perak Campus Department of Student Affairs officer Alice Lim, Kampar Police Chief YDH Supt Ng Kong Soon and representatives from the event's main sponsor, Youth Malaysia Movement.

Tune of symphony: UTAR Choir Group serenading the crowd with their harmonious vocals

The organisers, however, refuted the idea that a waltz night be based solely on mawkish love ballads and stage sketches. In addition to solo and group performances by UTAR students, which were sheer aesthetic, they broke the stereotype by enlisting two award-winning bartenders from Ipoh to pep up the night. The synergistic duo left audience awestruck with their astounding showmanship and art of deception, which was topped off with a breathtaking 'fire-exhaling' stunt and a thunderous applause from the animated crowd.

Daredevil act: One of the bartenders exhaling inferno from the inflammatory liquid in the bottle

In a night of divinely clad ladies and gentlemen, the organiser did not squander the chance to jazz up their creation by celebrating the best dressed couples. As the emcees meandered through the crowd, they pinpointed 10 lucky couples to be escorted to the stage. The VIPs were asked to cast their votes on their preferred top five finalists for the 'Best Dressed' segment. The finalists were judged not only on their outfits but also on their wits, eloquence, poise and synchrony while parading onstage. Prizes comprising tiaras and vouchers were presented to the winners by representatives of Youth Malaysia Movement.

Introduce yourself: Wong (right) posing a question to one of the 'Best Dressed' nominees

It was also a night to remember for marketing student Lau Wai Kit and his girlfriend. Lau stunned the crowd with his act of chivalry when he went public with his romantic confession. In typical old school proposal, Lau went down on his knee and professed to his love interest with a cluster of blooms. The girl, who donned a regal blue dress with matching stilettos, was clearly overwhelmed and nodded in silent reciprocal to Lau's romantic intention. Lau, who was cheered on by the crowd, later opened up to the prying press about his candid proposal. He cooed, "One must be honest about his feelings. He must not feel abashed for love knows no boundaries."

On bended knees: Lau proposing to his sweetheart who is seen wiping away tears

Waltz with Love II is an offspring of the collaboration between UTAR Young Entrepreneurship Society, Entrepreneurship Society and Dance Club. Following the phenomenal popularity of Waltz with Love I, which was inaugurated in Malaysia Book of Records for the highest number of waltz couples in 2012 (more than 180 pairs), creators of the captivating night have since ameliorated their previous record by increasing the number to 234 pairs at Waltz with Love II.

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