UTAR hosts 2nd ICBSSR 2014

UTAR Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) successfully co-organised the second International Conference on Behavioural and Social Science Research (ICBSSR 2014) with the Western Social Science Association (WSSA) from 5 to 8 August 2014. The WSSA is a renowned and well-distinguished association committed to advance social science research and promote social science education.

Held at the Kinta Riverfront Hotel, Ipoh, the ICBSSR 2014 received about 160 abstract submissions from academics, researchers, postgraduates and practitioners from 20 countries such as India, China, USA, Australia and Germany among others. The four-day conference was aimed to highlight the diverse works of academicians and researchers to raise the visibility and dissemination of high quality research.

Distinguished Prof Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, Founding Director of Institute of Ethnic Studies in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia presented a keynote address entitled “The Challenge for Social Science Research in Malaysia: Recent Developments”. His address enlightened the participants on the history and development of social sciences in Malaysia. Meanwhile WSSA President Professor N. Prabha Unnithan presented a full-day pre-conference workshop on “An introduction and overview of the publication process” in UTAR Perak Campus.

Prof Prabha said “From the previous conference themed Celebrating Scholarly Connections from Global Interchange and Interdisciplinary Perspectives in 2012, I have been very fond of the way UTAR encouraged multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary initiatives. Being a university just 12 years into its operations, placing so much emphasis on research is a feat in itself. This year, with the theme Globalization: Challenges and Perspectives in Behavioural and Social Science Research, I am deeply moved by UTAR’s zest in pursuing research at the world stage. It shows the university’s mettle in spearheading scholarly endeavours and maintaining a research culture among its people. I congratulate UTAR for cultivating a love of research and scholarship that would contribute greatly to society, the nation, and the world. Lastly, I thank the Faculty of Arts and Social Science for the opportunity to build and enhance scholarly collaboration between UTAR and WSSA,” he added.

The Minister in Prime Minister’s Department YB Datuk Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong officiated the opening of ICBSSR 2014. Also present at the opening ceremony were Perak State Executive Council Member YB Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Organising Chairperson Assistant Professor Dr Cheah Phaik Kin, deans, staff and students.

In his address, Datuk Wee said, “Research is a process in which all orders of thinking skills are required to produce sound results and it is an especially important component in tertiary education. Research does not stop after one obtains a degree - it is part of lifelong learning. Through conferences like the 2nd ICBSSR, a platform is created for new and experienced researchers alike to share their works and ideas and it might even lead to fruitful collaborations.”

Prof Chuah in his opening speech added that through this conference, the participants would hopefully gain insights on the common topics of relevance to our society. He also said, “UTAR is privileged to be in partnership with WSSA and to have WSSA President Prof Prabha and his team of reviewers to be part of the ICBSSR team.”

Dr Cheah expressed her gratitude to conference participants, WSSA Executive Council and sponsors; Spritzer, Perak State Government, Nirvana Memorial Park, Kinta Riverfront Hotel, Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad and World Magazine Services Sdn Bhd for their support.

There was presentation of the Best Abstract Awards to Gheeta Chandran with her abstract “Linguistic sexism in Malaysian folktales: A corpus-based approach” and Lai Wai Yoong whose abstract is entitled “The silent sufferers: A study of schizophrenia caregivers in Perak state, Malaysia”.

From left: Dr Lim, Dr Teh, Dato’ Mah, Prof Chuah, Datuk Wee, Dr Cheah, Prof Choong, and Dr Yap at the opening ceremony

Opening lion dance performance by UTAR’s Wushu Club

Prof Prabha (seated, fourth from left) and Dr Cheah (seated, third from left) with the conference participants at Prof Prabha’s pre-conference workshop in UTAR Perak Campus

Distinguished Prof Shamsul Amri Baharuddin delivering the keynote address

Prof Chuah presenting his opening address

Datuk Wee delivering his speech

From Left: Dato’ Mah, Prof Chuah, Datuk Wee, Dr Cheah and Dr Teh officiating the opening ceremony

Best Abstract Awards recipients (from right) Gheeta and Lai with the VIPs

1Malaysia dance performance by UTAR students

UTAR Music Club Chinese Orchestra Unit members rendering some classical Chinese songs at the opening ceremony

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