Artiste sings at Perak Campus

More than 700 UTAR students were entertained by popular Taiwan-based Malaysian singer Victor Wong during an autograph signing and promotional session held at Heritage Hall, UTAR Perak Campus on 21 July 2014.

Organised by the UTAR Banking and Finance Society, the new album promo-cum-autograph signing session began with the emcee leading the audience to observe a moment of silence for the MH17 victims. A dance by UTAR students started the performances for the night followed by Wong taking the stage and belting out some of his familiar and endearing hit singles such as There’ll Be Sunshine After Rain (《雨过晴天》), Friends (《朋友》), Incurable Love (《无可救药》) and others. The well-received event was also a prelude to the upcoming Ja-Jambo Night 2014 on 8 August this year.

Wong interacting with the audience

Also nicknamed “Prince of Love Songs”, the down-to-earth soloist also took the opportunity to interact with the students. “Coming to a university campus makes me miss my university days as well. Life as a student is always precious. Therefore, appreciate your friendship because once you start your life as a working adult, those will only be memories,” shared Wong.

Wong playing his guitar

“I heard from my personal assistant that plenty of UTAR students have a flair for singing. Now we’ll have one or two to sing with me here”, continued Wong, whose tongue-in-cheek remark was met with thunderous applause and cheers from his ardent fans. Two students were then randomly selected by the affable singer to take turns to have a duet with him. The songs included his very own single I Thought (《我以为》), Cantopop singer Eason Chan’s Ten Years (《十年》) and an English song Way Back Into Love.

Wong and a student singing a duet

The eventful evening ended with an autograph signing and photograph session right after Wong serenaded his fans with a song from his new album I’m Always Here (《随时都在》), followed by an encore with another new track Foolish Love (爱情那么傻》).

Wong with the enthusiastic fans

“This event was totally amazing as I finally got a chance to hear Victor Wong singing live,” said an overjoyed Year Two Business Administration student Lim Ling Ying.

Echoing her sentiment was Foundation in Arts student Cindy Hew Xin Yee, who also complimented the organiser for successfully organising the event. “This is actually my first time listening to his songs and I am moved by his voice,” added Hew.

UTAR Perak Campus is the only institution of higher learning in Wong’s promotional tour.

The fans taking a photo with Wong during the autograph signing session

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