UTAR welcomes Taiwan Youth Ambassadors

UTAR hosted delegates from the 2014 Taiwan Youth Ambassadors (國際青年大使) from 9 to 10 September 2014.

The delegation, comprising 17 multi-talented youths selected from different universities in Taiwan, were led by Director of the Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan Lee Chuan-Tung, Deputy Director Assoc Prof Albert Tang Wei-Min and Secretary Hu Chia-Chen. They were on a mission to promote the vibrant, colourful and friendly Taiwan culture through scintillating and vivid stage performances. Accompanying the group on their visit to UTAR Perak Campus was Deputy Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Malaysia Charles Chou.

The guests were warmly received by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat, who delightfully introduced them to the University’s 12-year history, milestones and programmes.

A spectacular cultural show was staged by the Taiwan Youth Ambassadors at Pei Yuan High School Hall on 10 September 2014.

The splendid two-hour show infused modern and classical singing, dances, poetry recitals and acrobatics display. Their performances reflect greatly on the Chinese philosophies that Taiwan is rooted in, namely, People, Culture, Family, Feelings, Food, Innovation, Youth, and Love.

When asked about her decision to become a Taiwan Youth Ambassador, emcee of the show, Sun Shih-Han, said, “I believe that my experience as a Taiwan Youth Ambassador will help to broaden my horizon and gain international exposure necessary to become a flight attendant.” She added, “We will improve on our performances based on the feedbacks and compliments received.” Sun is currently a final-year student in early childhood education at National Taiwan Normal University.

Divided into eight different groups, the 2014 Taiwan Youth Ambassadors will visit 36 cities in 32 countries located in the Asia Pacific, North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Africa and West Asia in the first three weeks of September 2014.

Malaysia is the third pit stop for the Youth Ambassadors visiting the Asia Pacific, after Palau and the Philippines. UTAR is the only institution of high learning in Malaysia to host them.

Prof Ewe (front, centre) hosting an interactive session for the delegation with Tang to his left and Lee to his right

A performer etching the Chinese character of ‘mountain’ on a display card

Performers besotting the audience with an intense and colourful indigenous dance

Masked performers impersonating characters from Taiwan culture

A performer enchanting the audience with a high split leap

A performer swirling passionately to recitals on works by renowned Taiwanese poets

A performer highlighting the rich and emotionally-charged Taiwan opera

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