Talk on wisdom of moderation

An inspiring talk titled, ‘The Value and Wisdom of Moderation for Leadership’ by Dr Bai Xuezhu, was held at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 30 July 2015 at KB Multi-purpose hall.

“Chinese civilization and the historical evolution of the concept of ‘Moderation’ or ‘Golden Mean’, exert a great influence on contemporary society and the people of China”, said Dr Bai.

He also presented a detailed analysis of the principles on improving leadership skills, while giving greater emphasis on harmony, public ownership, collectivism, family values, cooperation, social order and stability.

Dr Bai enthusiastically presenting his lecture

Prof Chuah giving his opening remarks

Dr Bai is currently the Deputy Director General of the Department of Academics at China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP). His research interests range from leadership and cultural studies of China and the West, to state-owned enterprises reform, public management, human resource management, and employment relations, among others.

This lecture is jointly organized by The Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD) and The Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP).

Prof. Chuah presenting a UTAR pewter plate to Dr Bai

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