Conference on Malaysian Chinese Intellectuals

The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) and Sinology Unit, Centre for Chinese Studies Research jointly hosted the "International Conference on Ku Hung-Ming, Lim Boon Keng and The Intellectual and Translation History in Malaysia and China" (辜鸿铭、林文庆与马、中百年学术翻译史国际学术研讨会) at Sungai Long Campus on 8 August 2015.

In conjunction with the centenary of the publications Great Learning (《大学》)by Ku Hung-Ming and Indispensable Confucian Principles for The Republic(《民国必要孔教大纲》)by Lim Boon Keng, this conference aimed to reinstate the intellectuals contributions to Chinese-English translation history and re-emphasise their dedication in promoting Confucianism to the West, as well as to encourage the exchange of ideas among scholars.

The guests and delegates smile for a group photo at the opening ceremony

Present at the opening ceremony were YB Senator Dato’ Dr Hou Kok Chung, UTAR Vice-President, Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat, ICS Adjunct Prof Dr Lim Chooi Kwa, ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, and ICS Deputy Deans Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin and Assoc Prof Tee Boon Chuan, who was also the Conference Organising Committee Chairperson.

The conference saw more than 70 participants, with foreigners hailing from countries such as China, Singapore and Taiwan. Delegates were Prof Dr Yan Chun Bao from Hainan Normal University, China; Prof Zhou Po-Kan from National Taiwan University, Taiwan; Assoc Prof Lo Yuet Keung from National University of Singapore; and locally, Dr Yam Kah Kean from University of Malaya and CEO-cum-director Dr Ong Seng Huat from Xiao-en Cultural Foundation. Also present were Dr Tee Boon Chuan, Dr Pua Shiau Chen, Dr Tan Beng Piou, and Wong Fong Kiew from UTAR ICS.

The conference began with Dr Tee’s welcome remarks. “I sincerely thank and welcome the local and international scholars for your presence here. This conference is unlike other conferences on ubiquitous topics. It highlights the two notable intellectuals’ contributions to Malaysian-Chinese translation which younger generations seem to have forgotten.”

Prof Ewe said, “I am glad to witness the initiative taken by ICS and the Centre in promoting Malaysia-born Chinese intellectuals, which I believe will encourage our students to appreciate the contributions of these prominent scholars,” adding that “In line with the University’s Vision, this conference is an international platform which offers a valuable opportunity for us to exchange ideas and discuss potential research collaborations.”

In the opening ceremony, the guest of honour, Dato’ Hou concurred that the conference would initiate close discussion amongst the scholars and would inspire budding researchers to gain deeper insights on the transmission of knowledge from Chinese society to the West. He said, “As a scholar myself, I appreciate the committee for providing us with such an opportunity to discover more about the two iconic intellectuals, Ku Hung-Ming and Lim Boon Keng, and to further appreciate the essence of Chinese culture.”

The conference was divided into three sessions, chaired respectively by Dr Wong, Dr Ang Lay Hoon from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Dr Lew Bon Hoi from New Era College. Besides, there was a launching ceremony of the books titled Past and Prospect: The New Perspective of Malaysian Chinese Research (《传统与前瞻:马来西亚华人研究的新世界》)authored by Dr Chong and The New Horizon of Chinese Classical Scripture and Literature (《中国古典经学与文学的新诠释》)authored by Dr Tee. The "International Conference on Ku Hung-Ming, Lim Boon Keng and The Intellectual and Translation History in Malaysia and China" was jointly sponsored by Fo Guang Shan Malaysia, Nirvana Foundation, Quek Ngee Meng, and Soka Gakkai Malaysia.

Dato’ Hou (third from left) examining books at the fair

Clockwise from top left: Dr Tee, Prof Ewe and Dato’ Hou

Dr Tee (left) and Dr Chong (right) launched their new books at the conference

Scholars actively participated in Q & A sessions

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