Managing disasters together

Prof Chuah (fifth from left) and Prof Tzeng (sixth from left) together with UST delegates, UTAR Staff, presenters and students

Four researchers from UTAR and the University System of Taiwan (UST) presented their papers at the “Disaster Management and Risk Reduction on Climate Change” workshop held at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 15 August 2015.

“In Malaysia we are safe from major natural disasters. However, with the recent floods in East Peninsular Malaysia and earthquakes in Sabah, disaster management is more crucial than ever. Malaysians are unprepared and tend to overlook, and this is a great opportunity to share and exchange ideas with a country that is experienced”, said UTAR Vice President (R&D and Commercialization) Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei.

Prof C. Y. Wang presenting his paper titled, “Recovery Process from the Disaster Caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009 and Adaptation Strategies of Taiwan”

The workshop was divided into two sections, focusing on disaster management in the aspects of science and technology as well as social science and community.

Prof Chuah described future opportunities between UTAR and UST at the closing ceremony

Besides the workshop, a meeting was held between UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik and UST Chancellor Professor Ovid J. L. Tzeng on student and staff academic exchanges to Taiwan, double-degrees from UST partner universities, and future projects.

At the closing ceremony, Prof Chuah thanked UST for their endless support of UTAR and urged students to take up the exchange programmes to acquire international exposure and network.

Prof Tzeng presenting his closing remark

“This is another great milestone for both of our institutions, let us work together to reach far and wide, where endless possibilities awaits us both”, said Prof Tzeng with a bright smile.

The University System of Taiwan (UST) was formed under the initiative of the Ministry of Education Taiwan with four outstanding research universities­ – National Central University, National Chiao Tung University, national Tsing Hua University, and National Yang Ming University – in seeking overall teaching quality and research excellence.

Prof Chuah presenting a gift to Prof Tzeng

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