Book Donation by FBF

UTAR Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) donated over 70 books to SMK Pei Yuan and SMK Methodist (ACS), Kampar at the latter’s library on 16 November 2015.

Mooted by the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) and supported by UTAR Library, the donation drive saw UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Assoc Prof Dr Teh Chee Seng donating the books of different genres, ranging from literature such as Macbeth, to encyclopedia. 

Receiving the donated books were SMK Methodist (ACS) Principal Lai Mann Kheong and SMK Pei Yuan Senior Assistant Teacher for Student Affairs Oh Saw Khim. Also present were FBF Head of Department of Commerce and Accountancy Ching Suet Ling representing Dean of FBF Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Head of Library (Kampar Campus) Hew Yoke Far, and SMK Methodist (ACS) Senior Assistant Teacher for Administration Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul Majid Khan.

According to Ching, the books will be helpful to the schools because it will help minimise the cost to purchase reading materials for their libraries.

“The titles donated have enriched our collection and it will certainly broaden our students’ horizon,” commented Lai, who also extended his heartfelt gratitude for UTAR’s generosity. “The intriguing titles will be able to stimulate our students’ reading interest.”

Echoing his sentiment was Oh, who remarked that students reading the rich collection get a boost in the vocabulary as well as get motivated by the motivational books. “Most of our library collection are purchased and today is indeed a memorable day for our school to receive books from UTAR.”

Dr Teh (left) presenting the books to Lai while Abdul Rahman (left) looks on

Oh (right) receiving the books from Dr Teh while Ching (left) looks on

(From left) Hew, Ching, Dr Teh, Oh, Lai and Abdul Rahman

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