The Vice President of the China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong (CELAP), Prof Jiang Haishan and its Department of International Exchange and Programme Development Deputy Director, Wu Baojin visited UTAR on 16 January 2015 to explore opportunities for collaborations and to pave the way for a closer working relationship.

On hand to welcome them were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD) Director Prof Cheng Ming Yu, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Dean Dr Chong Siou Wei, Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Dr Tan Sin Leng, Division of Corporate Communication and Public Relations (DCCPR) Director Ong Soo Weon and supporting staff.

The meeting commenced with Prof Chuah’s welcoming address and presentation of the UTAR corporate video. In his address, Prof Chuah elaborated on UTAR’s history, milestones and programmes, adding that “UTAR is a university by the people, for the people with a commitment towards educational excellence in teaching, research and community service.” He also extended an invitation to the delegates to visit the pristine UTAR Perak campus.

Prof Jiang thanked UTAR for the warm reception and expressed delight in meeting educators in Malaysia. He briefed on CELAP’s objective which is in line with the China government’s emphasis on leadership training and development for its senior officers to help them adapt well to the globalised world. Prof Jiang added, “CELAP is a government funded academy, established in 2005 to offer 3-week short term and 2-month long term courses. It trains about ten thousand participants a year including senior government officials. In 2014, we trained one thousand international participants from 126 countries, including Malaysia.”

Among the topics discussed were IMLD’s creatively designed training programmes for business leaders and government officials as well as courses on current topics such as Islamic Finance. Prof Cheng also pointed out that IMLD is recognised by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), China.

The visit ended with an exchange of souvenirs.

Prof Jiang (right) and Wu in the meeting

Prof Chuah (right) presenting a souvenir to Prof Jiang

A group photo of UTAR and CELAP delegates, from left: Wu, H'ng Gaik Hong, Prof Jiang, Prof Chuah, Prof Cheng, Dr Tan and Dr Chong.

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