
A luncheon was  organised by UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) at Kampar East Ocean Seafood Restaurant on 13 June 2015 to raise funds for the Professor Lim Chooi Kwa’s Best Dissertation Award (林水檺教授最佳论文奖) and also to celebrate Prof Lim’s conferment of the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah award which carries the title “Datuk” early this year.

UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR Council member Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan and Prof Lim attended the luncheon. They were accompanied by ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, Deputy Deans Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin and Dr Lim Chee Men, Head of Department of Chinese Studies for Sungai Long Campus Dr Chin Chong Foh and Head of Department of Chinese Studies for Perak Campus Toh Teong Chuan. The luncheon was also attended by other ICS staff members, alumni, students and representatives from local associations to show support. 

Dr Chong delivering his welcoming address

In his welcoming address, Dr Chong said, “This is also a platform for the ICS lecturers and students to interact with the alumni to forge closer ties.” He also pointed out that the Dissertation Award motivates ICS undergraduates and postgraduates to strive for excellence and that ICS has very stringent requirements when selecting the recipients. Dr Chong also extended his utmost gratitude to those who have helped in raising funds for this noble cause.

Prof Chuah addressing the luncheon guests

“Prof Lim has always been regarded as a highly respected and reputable forerunner in Chinese Studies even during my university days in Universiti Malaya. He is one of the educators whom I have great admiration for. It is indeed an honour to have him and Prof Dr Ang Tian Se pioneering UTAR’s Chinese Studies Department back in 2002,” remarked Prof Chuah. “With such solid foundation laid by dedicated pioneers like Prof Lim, I believe ICS will continue to flourish in the future,” he continued.

Dato’ Seri Ong thanking Prof Lim in his speech

As one of Prof Lim’s former students, Dato’ Seri Ong shared his fond memories of learning under the guidance of Prof Lim in UM and expressed his utmost gratitude to him. “Prof Lim is like a father to me and this can be described aptly with the Chinese saying ‘He who teaches you for one day is like your father for life’ (一日为师,终身为父). I can’t thank him enough for educating me which later on also built my interest and foundation in traditional Chinese culture,” he enthused. “With such sheer dedication in teaching and research, it is not surprising that Prof Lim’s students are aplenty and everywhere (桃李满天下). His notable contributions to Chinese Studies in Malaysia will forever be remembered.”

Prof Lim thanking everyone

As the star-of-the-day, Prof Lim, who is currently ICS’s Adjunct Professor, delightfully shared the brief history of the establishment of UTAR’s Chinese Studies programme and ICS. He was also humbled to be conferred datukship following his great contribution to Chinese education. “I feel honoured because such conferment is also a recognition to Chinese education in Malaysia,” shared Prof Lim, who towards the end of the luncheon also serenaded the guests with a Hokkien song.

The luncheon also saw a line up of spectacular performances by multi-talented ICS students and followed by a souvenir presentation session.

The Professor Lim Chooi Kwa’s Best Dissertation Award consists of the Best MA Dissertation Award and Best Final Year Project Award. Deputy Minister of Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, who is an ICS alumnus, was the recipient of the Best MA Dissertation Award 2013 (see: http://www.utar.edu.my/econtent_sub.jsp?fcatid=25&fcontentid=10763 ).

Prof Lim (left) admiring a book presented by Dr Lim on behalf of ICS

Dr Chong presenting a token of appreciation to Dato’ Seri Ong 

Prof Lim sharing a light moment with the ICS students during one of the student performances

Performances by ICS students

ICS students having a group photo with Prof Lim (center) and Dr Lim (most left)

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