International Conference on Min-nan Culture

Front row, second from left: Prof Chuah, Dato’ Hou, Tan Sri Yeoh, Dato’ Khoo, and Dr Chong with some delegates from Malaysia, China, and Taiwan

The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) and the Centre for Chinese Studies Research, Min-nan Cultural Studies Unit jointly hosted the “International Conference on Min-nan Culture” (拉曼大学闽南文化国际学术研讨会) at Sungai Long Campus on 6 and 7 November 2015 to promote Min-nan cultural studies on an intervarsity and international platform.

Present at the opening ceremony were the patron Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay, UTAR Council Member Senator Dato’ Dr Hou Kok Chung, UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, The Federation of Hokkien Associations Malaysia Dato’ Khoo Chai Kaa, and UTAR ICS Dean and Organising Committee Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei. It also saw local and international participants hailing from China and Taiwan.

From left: Tan Sri Yeoh, Prof Chuah, Dato’ Hou, and Dr Chong

Tan Sri Yeoh said, “Though it has been centuries since the migration of our ancestors, the inheritance of Min-nan culture in Malaysia is well preserved through cultural development and education.I hope the scholars’ endeavours and contributions in Min-nan cultural studies will press on with greater growth and further consolidate its development in Malaysia.”

Tan Sri Yeoh delivering his speech at the opening ceremony of the conference

“Culture is the continuity of development of every party from the past to the present. Since the establishment of ICS Centre for Chinese Studies Research, Min-nan Cultural Studies Unit, various forms of effort have been invested through academia such as talks, conferences, and field trips on Min-nan culture to promote local Min-nan culture, as well as to create awareness on local Min-nan development,” said Dato’ Hou.

Dato’ Hou stressing the importance of preserving Min-nan culture

“In 2011, Tan Sri Yeoh’s fund to ICS totalling RM300,000 helped to initiate a collaboration with National Quemoy University, National Cheng Kung University, and Xiamen University on a Min-nan cultural research project. Later, the Min-nan Cultural Studies Unit was established on 1 January 2012 in view of the initiative as one of UTAR’s key research projects in enhancing local and international partnerships,” said Prof Chuah.

Explaining the founding of the research unit, he highlighted that, “The purpose of sustaining the research unit is to boost resource exchange, data collection from multiple parties worldwide, and to form a research hub at large. The outcomes of the researches are invaluable records of cultural inheritance and its transformation in different contexts, as well as serving as archives for future generations.”

Prof Chuah expressing gratitude to Tan Sri Yeoh and Dato’ Hou for their support of Min-nan culture research in UTAR

Topics discussed at the International Conference on Min-nan Culture include Min-nan beliefs, notable Min-nan figures, Min-nan traditions and customs, Min-nan literature and the language, Min-nan associations, and more. The outcomes of the two-day conference will be published to promote Min-nan culture and research.

One of the Q&A sessions at the conference

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