USTAR Educational Tour

Delegates at I-Shou University
From left: Tan, Karen, Oh, Tun Ling, Toh Puan, Prof Chuah, Liaw, Dato’ Seri Mah, Dato Loo, Wooi and Ong

The University System of Tunku Abdul Rahman (USTAR) organised an educational tour to Taiwan visiting six universities over a 5-day 4-night stay in two different cities from 11 October to 15 October 2015. A total of eleven delegates led by UTAR Council Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik spent two nights in Taichung city and two nights in Kaohsiung. The journey was about 480km in total by bus from TaoYuan International Airport to Taichung City and Kaohsiung visiting the universities along the way down south from Taipei.

Among the other delegates were Toh Puan Ena Ling, Institute of Childhood Education, Studies and Community Education (CECE) CEO Ms Oh Yean Choo,  Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Head of Johor branch Mr Liaw Fenn Yenn, Editor of The Star Educate Ms Karen Chapman, Cepatwawasan Group Managing Director Dato' Seri Mah King Seng,  Netica Sdn Bhd Managing Director Dato' Eric Loo, UTAR Division of Corporate Communication and Public Relations Director Ms Ong Soo Weon,  Decanter Restaurants Director Mr Tan Gim Tuan and Executive Secretary Ms Wooi Bee Lan.

One of the key objectives of USTAR was to look into vocational training for the youths of the country. Taiwan is quite reputable for its Hai Qing Ban (海青班) and this tour was organised with the purpose to study how these classes were conducted and the possible collaborations that could be pursued for expansion and development.  CECE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with National Pingtung University during the trip for collaboration on childhood education.

The universities visited were Feng Chia University, Dayeh University, National Chiayi University, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, National Pingtung University and I-Shou University. There was also a meeting with Venerable Dr Zhi-Hsien from Nanhua University during the visit to Fo Guang Shan.

The meetings with the universities focused on collaborations for student and staff exchanges, internships, transfers, programme development, training and MoU collaborations. The delegates toured the campuses and visited all the major facilities focusing on vocational and practical training such as culinary arts, food science, food production, agriculture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, wood design and carpentry, electronics, graphic design, multimedia, metal working, weaving, lacquer, digital printing, nursing and health, digital media, engineering, teacher training and many more.

The delegates were given a memorable experience of Taiwan hospitality. They were warmly received by all the universities and given excellent hospitality with well explained and guided educational tours of the campuses which showcased excellent facilities for student learning. It was an eye-opener to see the amount of investments put in by the universities on getting the equipment, materials and support facilities for simulated learning as well as student’s hands-on experience.  For good vocational training and specialized practical courses, Taiwan is certainly the place to study.  While studying, international students in Taiwan are allowed to work part-time up to 20 hours a week to gain some work experience. The delegates met several Malaysian students studying in Feng Chia University and several others in the universities and all were happy to be there.

UTAR had previously organised an educational tour to Kenya and Tanzania which resulted in several of Kenyans and Tanzanians now studying in UTAR.  The subsequent USTAR study tour to Sydney and Adelaide for training and collaborations resulted in student exchange training programmes between TAR UC and Tafe College.

Dinner with Feng Chia University President Dr Lee Bing-Jean

Modern classroom concept at Feng Chia University where students move around the room freely for discussion

Group photo with Dayeh University President Prof Wuu Dong-Sing (4th from left)

Prototype robot at Dayeh University

Delegates with National Chiayi University Vice President Chyung Ay (5th from left)

Wood and furniture workshop at National Chiayi University

Tun Ling and Toh Puan at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology food science lab where coffee is made

Tun Ling at the aquaculture farm in National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Ms Oh Yean Choo with National Pingtung University President Prof Guu Yuan-Kuang after the MoU signing

Tun Ling cooking in the culinary kitchen at I-Shou University. Looking on is Toh Puan Ena Ling

I-Shou University Campus Grounds

Meeting with the Reverend at Fo Guang Shan

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