FEGT FYP Poster Competition

The Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) and the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Student Section at UTAR Kampar Campus co-organised a Final Year Project (FYP) Poster Competition on 2 September 2015.

Held for the second time, the biennial competition aimed to showcase all FYP output as well as to cultivate research interests amongst FEGT students. With the sponsorship by IEM, the competition saw 82 ground-breaking entries with researches ranging from green building to sustainable engineering.

Invited to judge the competition were IEM Perak Branch Chairman Ir Lau Win Sang, IEM Young Engineers Section (YES) Perak Branch Chairman Engr Chow Kok Sun and FEGT Department of Industrial Engineering lecturer Ir K. Chandrasekaran a/l Krishnan.

Of all the entries, 15 posters were first shortlisted by the FEGT departments, namely the Department of Construction Management, Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Department of Petrochemical Engineering. This was followed by a presentation session whereby the judging team was tasked to handpick three Best Posters.

Petrochemical Engineering student Sandip Singh’s FYP titled “Optimization of Biodiesel Production via Reflux Condenser Methyl Acetate Reaction from Cerbera Odollam (Sea Mango)” won him the first place while Environmental Engineering student Connie Chong Tung and Petrochemical Engineering student Tay Yi Hui were placed second and third respectively.

Sandip walked away with RM100 cash, a trophy and a certificate, while Chong and Tay took home RM70 and RM30 respectively as well as certificates. Certificates were also awarded to the remaining Top 15 finalists.

Read more about the collaborations between UTAR and IEM here:

A final year student presenting his FYP

Ir Lau presenting the prizes to (anti clockwise from top) Sandip, Chong and Tay

FEGT Dean Dr Yap Vooi Voon presenting tokens of appreciation to (left pic) Ir Low and Engr Chow

Group photo of the FEGT staff, IEM Perak Branch guests and winners

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