English programme for JU students

Thirty Josai University (JU) students who attended a two-week English Immersion Programme at UTAR Kampar Campus were all smiles upon receiving the certificate of completion during the graduation ceremony held on 14 September 2015.

Invited to grace the ceremony were UTAR Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Dean Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong; lecturers from JU Assoc Prof Kobayashi Tetsuya and Dr Yasuko Akiyama; Centre for Extension Education (CEE) Kampar Campus Head Mohd Faizul Bin Ahmad, CEE staff, and UTAR students.  

Organised by CEE, the two-week English Immersion Programme focused primarily on the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English to the Japanese students. Apart from that, the programme also aimed to educate the Japanese about the various cultures in Malaysia.

Prof Kobayashi expressed his gratitude to UTAR for its warm and gracious hospitality. “I find this programme is a good platform for us to learn English and understand the various cultures of Malaysia. I hoped we can always keep in touch and look forward to collaborating in this programme again in the future.”

Speaking at the ceremony, FBF Dean Prof Choong said, “The collaboration between UTAR and JU provides a fruitful learning experience for students from both universities. They engaged in cultural learning and exploration which helped them to understand both Malaysian and Japanese cultures.” He also expressed hope that this collaboration will carry on with more successful programmes in the coming years.

One of the students, Kyohei Oikawa said, “I wish to come again to UTAR because the environment is beautiful. Furthermore, the UTAR students and staff are friendly and kind in assisting us to improve our English language skills.” Another student, Sayaka Kurigami added that this programme will help her to communicate in English more confidently and she wished to return to UTAR again for these invaluable experiences.

The ceremony ended with Prof Choong presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Kobayashi and Dr Yasuko, and certificates of participation to the JU students. A memorable group photo-taking session was held after the presentation ceremony.

Prof Kobayashi delivering his speech  

Prof Choong delivering his speech

Dance performance by JU students

Kyohei (left) receiving his certificate of completion from Prof Choong while Faizul looks on

JU students posing for a group photograph with (first row, third from left) Faizul, Prof Kobayashi, Prof Choong, Dr Yasuko and CEE staff

Prof Choong (right) giving a token of appreciation to Dr Yasuko

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