VR technology at Malacca

Front row, fifth from left: Yapp, Datuk Wira, and Datuk Haji Khamis

The Centre for Immersive Technology and Creativity (CITC), a research centre with a vision of heritage and cultural preservation, presented a virtual reality (VR) walkthrough featuring traditional Malay houses at the Malay and Islamic World Museum (Muzium Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI)) in Malacca from 23 March to 19 April 2016.

The main organiser of the exhibition was Seremban Chinese Culture Society (SCCS), along with CITC and DMDI as co-organisers. Ten Diamond served as the main sponsor. The exhibition was launched on 23 March 2016 by Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Perbadanan Muzium Melaka (PERZIM) Datuk Wira Haji Hamdin Bin Abdollah and Pengurus Besar Perbadanan Muzium Melaka Datuk Haji Khamis Bin Haji Abas. The opening ceremony was attended by local NGOs, culture developers, press, and students.

The Traditional Malay House VR Walkthrough by CITC's VR and AR Division 2 (VRAD2) was presented during the launch. The VR walkthrough was modeled by CITC Chairperson Aloysius Yapp and developed by Lim Chai Kim.

During the launching of the exhibition, Yapp shared his insightful thoughts on using virtual reality as a new media for preserving and presenting local culture, such as the intricate architecture of traditional Malay houses. He shared that it is important for the younger generation to pick up an interest in and take care of their heritage and culture. He also looked forward to future collaboration with PERZIM in the area of virtualisation.

It was an interesting and fascinating event that came about through the merging of traditional culture and modern technology.  

In conjunction with the 2nd World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC) 2016 organised by Korea Invention News (KINEWS), Yapp and his team received the silver award for their CGI Malay House VR Walkthrough project.

The VIPs and guests at the launch

Exhibition Hall

Renderings on display

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