Charity for the day

The academic staff of the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) teamed up recently to provide food for the elderly and the needy on 26 March 2016.

The charitable move, titled “We serve, treat and care”, was an initiative to give back to Kampar’s underprivileged community by providing them food for the day. It was a concerted effort wherein the FBF academics rolled up their sleeves in the planning and the execution of the initiative, while some made contributions via donations and sponsorships of food items.

200 packets of food were prepared by FBF Dean Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programme Dr Mahmud Bin Hj Abdul Wahab, Head of Department of Finance Lim Chong Heng, Head of Department of Business Choong Yuen Onn, and fellow lecturers Kuah Yoke Chin, Wei Chooi Yi, Chan Ling Meng, Chan Pui Yee, and William Choo Keng Soo. Also present to lend a hand was Faculty of Information and Communication Technology lecturer Ooi Joo On and Communications and Networking student Leon James Gautier.

“It’s heartening to see our fellow colleagues volunteering and preparing the many packets of food. A big thank you also to Charity Chapel, Kampar for allowing us to use their venue for the food packing,” commented Prof Choong, the organising chairperson who also added that the project expenditure was entirely funded by fellow FBF colleagues.

The food distribution to the elderly and those in need took place at Jalan Ampang adjacent to the Kampar old town food court.

(Clockwise from top left) Pui Yee, Prof Choong, Ling Meng, Dr Mahmud, Leon and Kuah assembling 200 packets of food

FBF volunteers distributing the food packets

 Group photo of some of the volunteers

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