12th Malaysia Festival of the Mind

UTAR Wushu Club students (left) and TAR UC Penang students (right) staging a grand opening performance during the opening ceremony at UTAR Kampar Campus and TAR UC Penang Branch Campus respectively

We all have known that playing with a Rubik’s cube requires certain mental perquisites. The number of algorithms and techniques needed to solve it just once seems enough to turn one’s brain upside down. While solving it may sound complex, yet it has been proven otherwise by four-year-old Jinansh Vimesh Dedhia, an Indian national boy when he successfully solved three Rubik’s Cube puzzles in just less than two minutes during the grand launching of the 12th Malaysia Festival of the Mind (MFotM) held at UTAR Kampar Campus in Perak on 16 July 2016, followed by the second leg of the festival in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) Penang Branch Campus in Penang on 23 July 2016.

Much to the amazement of the crowd, Jinansh’s astounding intellectual talents were revealed further following his next attempt to demonstrate his memory prowess coupled with his quick calculating skills by correctly adding up a series of double digit numbers flashed on screen rapidly.

Apart from Jinansh, 14-year-old Harshi Virendra Bhavsar from India also showcased her extraordinary talent when she wowed the audience by effortlessly memorising the sequence of a shuffled deck of cards within five minutes. Her ability to read the reverse order also left the audience impressed.

Impressive Rubik’s cube

Trained at the Indian Cube Association and students of world-renowned mental sports coach Gwendolen Noronha from India, both Harshi and Jinansh were among the 12th MFotM’s highlights which underscored the power and potential of the human brain, as well as encouraging people of all walks of life to tap into the potential of the brain.

This year’s festival also saw Gwendolen demonstrating and sharing her mental calculation and brainpower aptitude through special sessions titled ‘Brainpower: Your Priceless Commodity’, and ‘The Cubing Workshop’ throughout the festival at both venues.

Gwendolen addressing the crowd

Gwendolen interacting with the audience

Jointly organised by the Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM), UTAR and TAR UC, the 12th MFotM was launched by Guests of Honour Perak State Executive Council Member Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik in UTAR Kampar Campus and Member of UTAR Council Dato’ Lim Khaik Leang at Dewan Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew in TAR UC Penang Branch Campus respectively.

The official launching ceremony of the two-day festival in Kampar was attended by UTAR Council-cum-MMLM Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and spouse Toh Puan Ena Ling, UTAR Vice-President for R & D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, UTAR Acting Vice-President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, TAR UC Perak Branch Campus Head Assoc Prof Dr Choy Siew Chee, UTAR Planning and Development Committee Advisor Tan Sri Hew See Tong and MMLM committee members; while in Penang the festival was attended by Tun Ling, Toh Puan Ena Ling, Prof Choong, TAR UC Penang Branch Campus Head Assoc Prof Dr Janice Toh Guat Guan, and MMLM committee members.

Aptly themed “Great Mind, Great Future”, the annual Festival of the Mind aims to imprint the importance of mental literacy among the general public and to create greater awareness about the human mind and ways of tapping into and developing one’s brainpower. It also aims to introduce and to promote various techniques and skills pertaining to the improvement of mental literacy, such as memory skill, thinking skills, creativity, personality profiling, mind mapping, emotional intelligence, brainpower, mind power and other memory management tools.

Speaking on the importance of tapping into the potential of one’s brain, Tun Ling in his opening speech said, “Our brains should be put to good use.  However it is equally important to also use one’s brain in a good and smart way.” He further added that knowledge is created with the main purpose to be shared, making sure that the relevant knowledge reaches those who benefit from it.

Tun Ling welcoming the Guests of Honour and also the visitors

Applauding MMLM’s long-standing efforts in promoting mental literacy to the public, Dato’ Mah said, “With the Malaysia Festival of the Mind, I believe we are one step closer to helping the whole Malaysia possess the full mental capacity. Regardless of financial status, everyone is presented the equal chance to learn more about their mind. This means, every Malaysian, young and old, is given the same, equal opportunity to expand their minds’ capacities.”

Dato’ Mah delivering his speech

Tun Ling (second from right) presenting a token of appreciation to Dato’ Mah while Dr Choy (left) and Tan Sri Hew (right) look on

Dato’ Lim also lauded the organisers’ initiatives in nation building. “As we know, human capital is essential for economic, social, and scientific development in every nation. We also know that human capital is the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity and innovation. To this effect, I’m both proud and happy that the MMLM has come far in helping to successfully spread mental literacy to our community. It stands as a strong pillar in developing human capital resources among Malaysians,” he remarked.

Dato’ Lim expressing his gratitude as the Guest of Honour

Tun Ling presenting a token of appreciation to Dato’ Lim while Prof Choong (left) and Dr Janice Toh (right) look on

With as many as 14 engaging workshops, seven enriching talks and an exhibition with 20 booths, the festival at both Perak and Penang managed to attract over 4,000 visitors including students, families, teachers, staff and many others. 

Among the other mind-related talks that were delivered by experts and professionals during the festivals in both Perak and Penang were ‘Brilliant Brain Memory Skills’ (Mandarin) by Teo Kim Foo, ‘Numbers Are Gold in The Next 9 Years’ by West Wong, ‘Autonomous Brain Computer Interface Wheelchair’ by Danny Ng Wee Kiat, ‘Mind Map Your Way to Success’ by S. Jeyaraman, ‘Peak Performance Through the Subconscious’ by Ng Thian Watt, ‘Developing Emotional Excellence in Your Life’ by Andrew Au, ‘Rewiring the Brain via the 7 Secret Rhythms’ by T. Elanggovan, ‘Developing Emotional Intelligence for Future Career Success’ (Mandarin) by Choong Hoon Guan, ‘Achieving the Infinite Possibilities’ by Wong Chooi Yee, and ‘Holistic Learning for Personal Effectiveness’ by SK Tan.

Apart from talks and workshops, the exhibition was also a one-stop centre for a hive of mind stimulating activities ranging from mind games, magic show to MENSA admission test and others.

The annual festival is currently in its 10th year and endeavours to create a greater awareness among Malaysians of all ages on how to develop thinking, memory and creativity skills through the empowerment of the mind. The 12th MFotM was proudly supported by The Star, Campus Plus, Grand Kampar Hotel, Berocca, Delfi, Dilmah and Julie’s.

The VIPs visiting the booths

The crowd thronging the booths at both Perak and Penang

Visitors of all ages at the exhibition booths

Workshop participants gaining insights on the brain and its capacities

Visitors exploring the Universiti Sains Malaysia Brain Research and Information Network Centre for Neurocognitive Science’s mobile truck

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