Visit by Yuan Ze University

FBF staff and students with YZU delegates at the UTAR Main Library

The Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) welcomed delegates from Taiwan’s Yuan Ze University (YZU) to the Kampar Campus on 13 July 2016 for collaborative opportunities. FBF Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee together with staff and students warmly received the delegates, consisting of Dr Li Hung Hui and Dr Wu Ruei-Shian from the College of Management and 22 of their undergraduate students.

This visit was an opportunity for the two universities to expand international collaborations through activities such as student exchange programmes, inter-campus study tours, joint research, and knowledge exchanges, which will help develop a multilingual and multicultural environment for students to thrive in.

They foresaw the prospect of both universities conducting global classes, obtaining relevant feedback, and developing the latest training that will upgrade their curriculum to better adapt to the current and future needs of the economy. FBF felt positive that such international collaborations will greatly contribute to UTAR’s holistic education that equips students with essential knowledge for work and globalisation.

In planning for the collaborations, FBF with Dr Li and Dr Wu discussed on the global classes as being a platform for students to experience cross-cultural learning and to exchange perspectives on business learning and practices through the use of cyber or internet-based classrooms.

Student exchange programmes and study tours were discussed during the meeting, which resulted in the opportunity for UTAR students to enrol in YZU programmes and vice versa. On the subject of study tours, YZU has planned to organise tours to Malaysia during the summer and hoped to gain knowledge from UTAR’s English programmes and Business workshops. FBF looked forward to forthcoming visits that could pave the way for future staff exchange programmes or research grant applications.

As UTAR is a research focused university, the visit also raised a discussion on the setting up of global research collaboratories. UTAR believes that operating multi-laboratories or cross-country case studies will allow different aspects of research projects to facilitate wider research efforts.

Further sharing of knowledge took place when FBF lecturers Dr Ahmad Nazri bin Wahidudin and Lau Say Min Claudia conducted classes on the topics of Islamic Banking and Corporate Business Law respectively to enlighten the YZU delegates on Malaysian business, economics, and finance.

The visit ended with Dr Au Yong presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Wu which was followed by a group photograph of FBF staff and students with the YZU delegates. 

Discussion and sharing session with YZU delegates

Dr Ahmad Nazri sharing information on Islamic Banking

Lau sharing information on Corporate Business Law

Dr Au Yong (right) presenting a souvenir to Dr Wu

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