First offshore Mencius Institute at UTAR

The VIPs and UTAR staff and students

UTAR reached a new milestone with the establishment of the first offshore Mencius Institute (孟子学院) at its Kampar Campus on 4 August 2016.

The first Mencius Institute was established in Xuzhou, China in 2008 under the joint initiatives of Jiangsu Normal University (JSNU), China Zoucheng Heritage Tourism Bureau, and Xuzhou Mengshi Clan Friendship Network to promote the study and research of Mencius, his Confucian thoughts, and also Chinese culture. To further promote these overseas, the institute chose UTAR as its first anchor point to establish the first ever offshore Mencius Institute.

The Mencius Institute at UTAR will emphasise on the dissemination and promotion of Chinese culture integrated with educational activities for all, further allowing keen learners to gain deeper insight into Chinese history, geography, humanity and the essence of Chinese culture.      

Invited to grace the opening ceremony was Senator Dato’ Dr Hou Kok Chung, who was cordially received by UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik. Also present at the inauguration were Jiangsu Normal University Council Chairman Prof Xu Fangming, Mencius Thought Research Association President Meng Shuqin, UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, and Dean of UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei.

The event commenced with Dato’ Hou unveiling the plaque of the Mencius Institute located at UTAR ICS building, followed by an opening ceremony which was attended by over 100 staff and students.

From left: Meng, Prof Xu, Dato’ Hou and Prof Chuah applauding after unveiling the plaque

“It is a great honour for UTAR to establish the first offshore Mencius Institute. As the most well-known Confucian philosopher besides Confucius, Mencius’ thoughts and stories have inspired generations of people in perceiving and living life, as well as perfecting attitude to life. I believe that the inauguration will greatly benefit the university community by creating an atmosphere which encourages the learning of humanistic values,” remarked Prof Chuah during his welcome speech. “The Mencius Institute will also promote sharing of knowledge and academic expertise, further helping us to enrich elective courses such as Confucianism in Modern Society and others. This is in line with UTAR’s six pillars of education, namely Virtue and Morality, Knowledge and Intellect, Physical and Mental Health, Sociality and Humanitarianism, Aesthetics and Harmony, and Creativity and Innovation; and our commitment in providing holistic education, which focuses not only on students’ academic development, but also the cultivation of humanism,” he added.

Prof Chuah welcoming the guests

Concurring with Prof Chuah, Prof Xu said, “The Mencius Institute is very much in sync with UTAR’s founding principle (of ‘by the people, for the people’) as it is community-oriented and engages different segments of society to contribute to its overall progress and development.” He also highlighted that ICS’s impressive teaching and research strength, coupled with the sizeable Malaysian Chinese population with relatively well developed Chinese education infrastructure as well as enthusiasm in cultural inheritance, are amongst the top reasons for the Mencius Institute to anchor itself to Malaysian shores. “UTAR is highly reputed among the JSNU community following an exclusive coverage by JSNU on our nine postgraduate students’ enriching and extraordinary learning experience at UTAR. Therefore, with our strengthened collaborative ties, I hope there’ll be more of such exchange programmes and we welcome UTAR students to visit JSNU for learning and research opportunities.”

Prof Xu explaining the significance of the establishment of Mencius Institute

On behalf of the Mencius Thought Research Association and the Mengshi Clan Friendship Network, Meng congratulated UTAR on the institute’s inauguration. “The establishment of UTAR’s Mencius Institute heralds a new era in this country for the promulgation of universal values advocated by Mencius. Staff and students are able to use this platform for knowledge transfer and cultural exchange, further helping the institute to grow and progress. The Mengshi Clan Friendship Network also provides assistance to those interested in carrying out research in fields related to Mencius. With the support given by all, I strongly believe that the institute’s various projects and development will bear fruits of success.”

Meng congratulating UTAR on the establishment of the first offshore Mencius Institute

Dato’ Hou described UTAR as a “cultural fortress” and that the establishment of the first offshore Mencius Institute at the university is a great advantage. “Culture relies greatly on education, and it is through education that we understand the culture’s essence and significance upon practising, thus enabling us to live a more meaningful, purposeful and fruitful life. UTAR is a university by the people and is growing exponentially despite its young age. It has all the favourable conditions to have a Mencius Institute which will share positive cultural values and essence to a wider group of people,” Dato’ Hou explained.

Dato’ sharing his thoughts on UTAR’s Mencius Institute and its future

The event ended with a souvenir presentation session and group photograph, followed by a keynote address on Mencius and Confucianism titled “Dialogue among civilisations: Confucianism and Mencius through global lens” by Prof Xu, who is also an eminent TV host for the China Central Television (CCTV) television programme Lecture Room (百家讲坛).

Prof Chuah presenting tokens of appreciation to (clockwise from top left) Dato’ Hou, Prof Xu and Meng

Prof Xu (second from right) presenting a souvenir to Prof Chuah while Dato’ Hou and Meng look on

Dr Chong receiving a portrait of Mencius from Meng while Prof Chuah and Dato’ Hou look on

Group photo of the VIPs

Prof Xu delivering his keynote address

The delegates also visited UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 1 August 2016 to explore collaborative opportunities and promote mutual understanding. 

The scope of activities by UTAR’s Mencius Institute include summer or winter culture camps, experiential learning about Chinese cultural heritage, seminars as well as academic talks focusing on Confucianism and traditional Chinese philosophy.

The VIPs, staff and students giving their thumbs up

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