Patriotism Exhibition 2016

In conjunction with Malaysia’s 59th National Day celebrations, the Faculty of Creative Industries’ Department of General Studies organised a Patriotism Exhibition at Sungai Long Campus’ Multi-purpose Hall on 10 August 2016.

Winners of patriotic quizzes with the Department of Information staff

Organising Chairperson Ira Meilita Binti Ibrahim said, “This is the first time Department of General Studies was involved in organising such a meaningful event in campus. It is such a great honour to all of us, especially during the Patriotism Month (Bulan Patriotisme). We hope to celebrate the 59th National Day and promote patriotism among all UTARians. It is not easy to organise an event like this especially when engaging with government agencies. Luckily we received big support from the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia’s Department of Information. Besides that, we feel proud that so many students were interested about patriotism and participated in this event.”

The logo and theme of National Day celebrations over the years

Chronology of Independence in 1957

History of Malaysia’s formation

“We aim to provide as much information as we can in regards to government policies, the Tenth Malaysian Plan (10th MP) and the current issues related to students’ curriculum. We hope that such events will not only benefit the students, but also the public”, said Department of Information Production Assistant Gomadi.

The highlight of the exhibition was a collection of informative posters showcasing the history of Malaysia. Students also participated in some exciting games and won many goody bags and prizes.

Students participating in exciting games

Books at the exhibition

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