International Conference on Quemoy Studies

Participants and guests at the International Conference on Quemoy Studies 2016

UTAR together with National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), National Quemoy University (NQU) and Kim Mooi Association Selangor held the International Conference on Quemoy Studies 2016 (2016年金门学国际学术研讨会) at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 26 and 27 November 2016.

Succeeding the previous Quemoy studies conference held in 2014, this instalment was the first to be held in Southeast Asia and UTAR, with the aim to congregate more researchers in the region and promote Quemoy studies on an intervarsity and international platform. This conference saw the presence of researchers and experts from Taiwan, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia.

At the opening ceremony, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat enthused, “Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay’s generous sponsorship made possible UTAR’s collaboration with NQU, NCKU, and Xiamen University in Min Nan cultural research projects since 2011. Such a conference is an international platform which allows UTAR staff and students to become more committed to active scholastic interactions and to explore research opportunities. Therefore, on behalf of the university, I must thank Tan Sri Yeoh who has continuously supported UTAR and the UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS).”

Prof Ewe added, “We often overlook the importance of history and culture in societal development due to rapid innovations and changes in this modern world. Hence, such conferences help to create awareness among the younger generation on how the past and our cultural heritage have shaped the current society and developments.”

NQU’s President Prof Huang Qi said, “Extending the Quemoy conference to Southeast Asia is indeed a new milestone. This conference in Malaysia is an eye opener that reminds me that there are many scholars outside of Quemoy who passionately study Quemoy’s history from different aspects. I look forward to more countries’ participation in the future and a greater networking platform to boost internationalisation of Quemoy studies.”

One of the highlights of the conference was the keynote speech by Prof Kenneth Dean from the National University of Singapore, speaking on “新马华人庙宇网络的地理讯息系统的建立 (The Establishment of Geographic Information System of the Chinese Temples in Singapore and Malaysia)”. Fourteen papers on Quemoy studies were presented at the two-day conference, in addition to a screening of a documentary titled 《落番》(The Quest) and a forum themed ‘Quemoy Studies and Min Nan Culture’.
Browse the UTAR ICS official website for more information.

From left: Prof Ewe, Prof Huang and ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei

The audience listening to Prof Dean, the keynote speaker

The forum on Quemoy studies and Min Nan culture

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