Towards a cleaner environment


Volunteers of the gotong-royong project

Over 40 students and staff took part in a gotong-royong project organised by Sungai Long Campus’ Department of Student Affairs (DSA-SL) held on 25 November 2016 at Sungai Long Campus. This initiative aimed to promote volunteerism and the importance of community care among UTAR students and staff.

“As a part of the Bandar Sungai Long community, you need to take responsibility and care for the environment around you,” said DSA-SL Clubs & Societies Unit’s Chow Keng Fatt.


Teh and Hiu

“I volunteered because I have a duty to protect this place we call home,” said Civil Engineering student Hiu Chi Yip. The volunteers cleared fallen tree branches, dead leaves and rubbish surrounding the campus grounds and commercial district.

Building and Property Management student Teh Zi Chuan said he volunteered in hopes of providing a cleaner study environment for every student. “I hope my effort will attract more potential students to choose UTAR as their choice,” he said.


Chow (first from left), Dr Myat (fourth from left), and other volunteers

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Clinical Assoc Prof Dr Myat Khaing said every individual must also improve their standard of discipline to ensure the environment is taken care of.

Chow hoped this project would spur more environmental consciousness among students and staff.


Students cleaning up fallen leaves near KA Block

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