Talk on research journal publishing

Foo delivering his talk

UTAR’s Centre for Accounting, Banking and Finance under the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) organised a talk titled “Disseminate Research Work via Journal Publishing” at Kampar Campus on 16 February 2016.

Delivered by Alex Foo Tun Lee, a lecturer from the Department of Commerce and Accountancy of FBF, the talk was aimed to encourage young researchers to publish their research work in international journals in order to disseminate their research to the global community of researchers.

Attended by academics from the various departments of FBF, the talk served as a platform for them to discuss and share their research and publishing works to one another. In his talk, Foo motivated the participants by saying that, “the quality and quantity of a researcher’s publications provide a key measure of their research productivity.” His talk further focused on the steps in submitting research work to a reputed journal for possible publication and also detailed the process of desk-rejection and peer-reviewing.

Apart from that, the talk also covered on methods to check the quality of a journal and ways to identify the key journals in a particular research area. He also described the process of revision, resubmission, and acceptance for one’s publication by the journal as well as about the author’s signing procedure before publication. The two-hour talk also deliberated on predatory journals and publishers and how these journals and publishers might damage the image of the researchers.  

Also present at the talk were FBF Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Mahmud bin Hj Abd Wahab, Chairperson of Centre for Accounting, Banking and Finance Dr Krishna Moorthy Manicka Nadar, FBF academics, and other UTAR staff. 

The talk concluded with a question and answer session whereby members of the audience posed their questions to Foo; Apart from a lively Q&A session, the talk ended with some meaningful interaction and sharing amongst the academics.

From left: Dr Mahmud, Dr Krishna, and Foo posing with some participants of the talk

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