Multiple implications on teaching and learning

Dr Rajandaran explaining the eight intelligences

Specialist in the field of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), pedagogy as well as principles of teaching and learning, Dr Rajandaran Perumal spoke on multiple intelligences and the implications on teaching and learning, held at UTAR Sungai Long campus on 26 February 2016.

Dr Rajandaran highlighted the eight Multiple Intelligences based on Howard Gardner’s theory. Howard Gardner’s theory challenged the traditional views of intelligences as a fixed entity. According to the theory, all eight intelligences (linguistics, mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication), exist in varying degrees in the human brain.

He also noted that it is important to identify learners’ needs and ways to enlighten teaching by implementing classroom activities based on these multiple intelligences.

Also present were the Department of Modern Languages Head, Yogesvary Alahakone, Centre for Modern Languages and Literature Chairperson, Dr Nadya Supian, and members from various faculties.

Dr Rajandaran obtained his PhD from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and is a life member of Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) and Asia TEFL. Currently, Dr Rajandaran is the Programme Director for the Postgraduate Education Programmes in the School of Education at Taylor’s University.

This event was organised by the Department of Modern Languages (DML) in collaboration with the Centre of Modern Languages and Literature (CMLL). 

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