Classical Chinese Poetry conference

UTAR’s Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) hosted “The 2016 Malaysia International Conference on the Tradition, Progression and Development of Classical Chinese Poetry (传统、递进与发展——2016年马来西亚中国古典诗歌国际学术研讨会)” at Kampar Campus from 5 to 6 November 2016.

Aimed to be a valued platform for researchers and scholars to share thoughts on their research findings particularly in the aspects of classical Chinese poetry, the conference was a joint collaboration between the Mencius Institute’s Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) Sinology Unit and UTAR Chinese Studies Society. It was sponsored by Nirvana Asia Limited, Chong De Culture and Education Foundation, and Ban Kah Chai Group.

The two-day conference saw 29 papers submitted from an impressive group comprising approximately 90 local and foreign participants, hailing from as far afield as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Group photo of the organisers and speakers during the opening ceremony

Among the delegates were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, CCS Chairperson-cum-ICS Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin, President of the Alumni Association of the Department of Chinese Studies of UTAR Loh Say Chung, and Keynote Speaker from Nanjing Normal University Prof Zhong Zhen Zhen.


Dr Wong extending his warm welcome to all the participants

The conference began with Dr Wong delivering his welcome remarks. He said, “Thank you and welcome to everyone attending the conference. This is the first time for CCS and even Malaysia to host an international classical Chinese poetry conference which has yielded a very positive response from the participants.”

After reciting some verses of classical Chinese poetry that went, “I looked for her thousands of times; when I suddenly looked back, I found that she was just where the lights are shining (众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处)”, he said, “Poetry is precious and wonderful. These graceful words are formed by the ancients’ deep contemplation on the meaning of life, and with the passing of age, you will find that the verses in classical poetry impart important wisdom for our lives.”


Prof Choong praising ICS’s research

In his opening remarks, Prof Choong said, “The conference is a feast for Malaysian Chinese Classical Literature circles and is well attended by researchers, both local and foreign. I hope that this meaningful conference will continue as an annual meeting.” He added, “CCS has become deeply involved in historical and local Chinese studies, participating in activities such as the New Village Collaborative Project with Taiwan’s universities and the Tin Mining Conference held recently.”


Dr Wong presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Choong (left) and Loh (right), while Dr Tee and Dr Ling look on

The conference was divided into nine sessions, two of which saw participation by postgraduate students from local and international universities. Topics of discussion included the spread and acceptance of classical poetry, the writing of classical poetry in Malaysia, literature, theory and practice, poetics, Song iambic verse and Yuan drama.

UTAR ICS speakers at the conference included Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Tee Boon Chuan, Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Lim Chee Men, Organising Chairperson Dr Ling Liong Ngo, Dr Pua Shiau Chen and Ng Bung Chen.


Prof Zheng (right) and Dr Tee during the keynote speech session

Prof Zhong Zhen Zhen is the President of the Association for Chinese Verse Studies, China (中国韵文学会) and Chairperson of the Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts (古文献整理研究所). His keynote speech titled “Reading Inertia in Prose and Misreading of Poem (散文阅读惯性与诗词文本误读)” discussed text comprehension, artistic analysis, aesthetic judgment, and reader and author positioning relating to classical Chinese poetry.


A roundtable discussion in progress

Pioneer members from local poetry societies, such as the Adviser of the Poetry Group of Penang Art Society (槟城艺术协会诗词组) Zhou Zi Shan and Ipoh Shan Cheng Poetry Society (怡保山城诗社) Xu Chi Qing were also invited by the organisers along with Prof Zhang Hai Ou from the Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-Sen University, China and Prof Liao Yi-Jin from the Department of Chinese, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan to join a roundtable discussion. It was an inspired and remarkable cross-regional dialogue on classical Chinese poetry.


Dr Ling and Dr Tee delivering their thanks and closing remarks respectively

The conference came to an end with Dr Ling delivering her thanks to all the participants, followed by Dr Tee representing ICS delivering the closing remarks. Dr Ling said, “I would like to send my gratitude to all the senior poets and researchers, as well as our organising team.”

In his closing remarks, Dr Tee said, “The vital intergenerational transmission of our cultural heritage has occurred in this conference today, where senior professors provided us with their remarkable experience and guidance, while the younger generation brought forth their youthful vitality for new, continuous research. Besides that, we are looking forward to more cross-regional collaboration to enhance our research on classical Chinese poetry.”


The organisers and speakers during the closing ceremony

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