Talk on the subconscious mind

Dato’ Yap speaking at UTAR

The Centre for Extension Education (CEE) and Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM) jointly hosted a talk titled “Qi Men: Awakening the Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dato’ Joey Yap on 11 November 2016 at Sungai Long Campus.

Dato’ Joey Yap is an international speaker, bestselling author of over 166 books and master trainer in Chinese Metaphysics. The speaker is also the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group and the Founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics.

According to Dato’ Yap, the modern idea of Qi Men is similar to the notion of the subconscious mind. “Qi Men, also known as Qi Men Dun Jia, was a restricted technique practised by selected advisors of the emperor in ancient China as it involves the calculation of time and space to locate your metaphysical self at a particular place and time. It requires profound understanding of the natural forces, source energies and the four important elements of Spirit, Heaven, Earth, and Man,” Dato’ Yap explained.

He said that common uses of modern Qi Men include forecasting, strategy planning, Feng Shui and destiny analysis. “Each one of us has an inborn nature based on the Destiny Chart. Through the chart and Qi Men techniques, we can identify our pre-determined personality, thus helping us to explore our innate abilities,” he added.

Dato’ Yap offered the participants access to their Destiny Chart and provided a simple chart reading at the talk. The speaker particularly emphasised on the Guardians of Destiny in the Qi Men Destiny Palace of the Destiny Chart and introduced the 10 deities of the Guardians of Destiny which each have a special power: Chief, Six Harmony, Great Moon, Nine Earth, Nine Heaven, Red Phoenix, Grappling Hook, Surging Snake, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise.

“Identifying our best deity of the Guardians of Destiny can help us to realise our special abilities, hence creating opportunities for ourselves,” said Dato’ Yap. He suggested the audience meditate for five to ten minutes daily to awaken the subconscious mind and practise the Qi Men techniques.

“The Destiny Chart and the Qi Men techniques allow us to keep focused on our goals and work on the most significant aspect to achieve the best results,” said the speaker. “However, to realise and make use of our latent talent and potential, we must first be aware of what we want and be positive about the possibilities.”

Present at the talk were UTAR Council and MMLM Chairman Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and his spouse Toh Puan Ena Ling, CEE Director Lim Guat Yen, UTAR staff and students.

Tun Ling (right) presenting souvenirs to Dato’ Yap

Dato’ Yap explaining the Destiny Chart

The audience posing questions

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