Preserving heritage through language

Dr Srinivasan speaking on the role of language in heritage preservation

A talk titled “The Role of Language in Promoting Heritage” by Assoc Prof Dr K. Srinivasan was held at Sungai Long Campus on 17 November 2016. The talk aimed to raise awareness of the importance of heritage preservation through language.

Language acts as a central element in the expression of identity and is of key importance in the preservation of a group’s identity.  It is particularly important to linguistic minorities seeking to maintain their distinct group and cultural identities.

“It is important to protect native languages because they are not only mediums of communication but also serve as the vehicle of transmission for the history, culture, and traditions of a group,” said Dr Srinivasan.

However, Dr Srinivasan also said learning another language enables a person to have two different world perspectives and cultural experiences. It builds bridges between peoples of different colour, creed, culture and language.

CMLL Chairperson Dr Nadya Supian (right) presenting a gift to Dr Srinivasan

“Language is a symbol of cultural and personal identity. If we do not learn our native language, we risk becoming alienated from our families and communities. Teach your mother tongue to our future generations to help them stay connected to their culture,” he said.

Assoc Prof Dr K. Srinivasan holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Education (BEd) in English from Madras University. He later obtained his Masters of Arts (MA), Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) and PhD in English from Bharathidasan University.

His areas of research interest include literature, cultural studies, effective teaching practices and effective communication. His teaching experience spans over thirty years and he is currently teaching in Bharathidasan University in Tamil Nadu, India.

This talk was jointly organised by the Department of Modern Languages of the Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) and the Centre for Modern Languages and Literature (CMLL).

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