Visit by Huaqiao University

Prof Ewe (fifth from left) and Prof Jia (fifth from right) with UTAR and HQU representatives on the campus tour

Delegates from China’s Huaqiao University (HQU) visited UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 17 October 2016. Visiting on behalf of HQU were President Prof Jia Yimin, Alumni Office Director Xiang Shimin, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation Deputy Director Zeng Shanni, and Alumni Association (Malaysia) Deputy Chairman Ng Hock Ban.

The visitors were welcomed by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ewe Hong Tat, Division of Community and International Networking-cum-Institute of Management and Leadership Development Director Prof Cheng Ming Yu, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) Dean Dr Chin Yee Mun, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, FCI Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Raduan bin Sharif, and ICS Department of Chinese Studies for Sungai Long Campus Head Dr Chin Chong Foh.

UTAR and HQU have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) since 2012. The two universities have maintained strong partnership through various forms of academic activities such as staff and student exchanges, as well as joint research projects and conferences. Among the most recent joint conferences held were the South-East Asian Chinese International Conference and ICS Postgraduate International Conferences.

As a result of the fruitful collaborations, both varsities proposed to extend the partnership to more faculties and research centres in search of greater academic excellence. In addition to the existing joint projects and exchange programmes, both UTAR and HQU endorsed several prospective areas for future collaboration. Those proposed included dual degree programmes for selected bachelor’s degrees and postgraduate programmes, joint supervision for postgraduate studies, study tours, distant learning, and various trainings.

Prof Ewe said, “UTAR has enjoyed a sustained and amiable partnership with HQU through active interactions and academic exchanges which elevate the universities’ strengths and scholastic development. I look forward to a closer partnership with HQU with more involvement from other UTAR faculties and research centres.”

Prof Jia echoed Prof Ewe’s statement, adding, “There are a number of similarities between HQU and UTAR. Therefore, there are many potential collaborative aspects that have yet to be explored. I believe constant communication with UTAR will generate more fruitful outcomes for UTAR-HQU educational ventures.”

Prof Ewe (left) presenting souvenirs to Prof Jia

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