De Kampar Open Run 2016

Over 150 participants, who were schoolchildren and members of the Kampar community, joined in the community service event “De Kampar Open Run 2016” which was co-organised by UTAR’s Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) with Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) (SJKT) Kampar on 6 August 2016 at the SJKT field.

Participants warming up before the jogathon

With the aim of addressing the educational limitations faced by the school, FEGT altruistically and successfully raised funds to help provide better education for the schoolchildren and assisted in organising the ten kilometre jogathon. The funds raised will also be used for maintaining school facilities. With a positive response from participants, the event saw the opportunity to inculcate in the schoolchildren the importance of having a charitable heart and being willing to offer their help in community service events.

FEGT Lecturer Dr Sumathi a/p Sethupathi represented Dean Dr Yap Vooi Voon as the Guest of Honour to present the primary schoolchildren winners with certificates and medals at the end of the event, and expressed FEGT’s hope to extend their continuous support for future community service events.

FEGT successfully raised RM800 for SJKT Kampar.

Participants passing the finishing line

Dr Sumathi presenting a medal and certificate to a winner

Female category winners (left) and male category winners posing with their prizes

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