UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials

Dr Chen receiving a token of appreciation from Prof Faidz

The Centre for Photonics and Advanced Materials Research (CPAMR) organised the “UTAR-UST Workshop on Photonics and Advanced Materials” from 30 August to 2 September 2016 at Sungai Long Campus.

The workshop was co-organised with UTAR Centre for Extension Education (CEE) and the University System of Taiwan (UST), and supported by UTAR Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch and Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) Student Chapter.

Prof Faidz (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Arthur

In his opening remarks, UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei said, “This is a milestone for UST and UTAR as it is the first time we have held a workshop on photonics and advanced materials. It will create new collaboration opportunities, especially research projects that focus on the Asia region. As Malaysia is a developing country, we need more experts to help the nation to reach developed status. UTAR is a very good research base for interactions ranging from expertise training to knowledge exchanges and discussions. I also hope that this workshop will result in more new ideas and projects in future.”

Taiwan’s National Yang-Ming University Biophotonics and Molecular Imaging Research Center (BMIRC) Director Prof Arthur Chiou said, “It’s a great pleasure for me to attend this workshop. It gives us a chance to work together face-to-face to promote mutually beneficial research. Although UST is composed of research oriented universities, wholesome education is still a priority. I hope through all the discussions we are having today, we will forge an understanding that will bear fruitful results.”

Prof Faidz presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Chen

CPAMR Chairperson Dr Pua Chang Hong said, “This workshop opens up an opportunity for researchers and students to explore more collaborative opportunities. Participants will also have a chance to gain deeper insights into the workings of the industry. I hope this workshop will benefit all the participants.”

UTAR Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) Director Prof Dr Faidz Bin Abd Rahman said, “I wish to thank all the speakers for their willingness to share their experiences and knowledge with the participants. I hope we will have more workshops like this to bring continuous benefits to young researchers and students. We are also looking forward to any possible collaboration with UST, especially on research, dual-degree programmes or overseas internship opportunities.”

Prof Yu (right) receiving a token of appreciation from Prof Faidz

Taiwan’s National Chiao-Tung University Department of Photonics Prof Peichen Yu said, “Through this workshop, we are able to promote closer interaction and collaboration between UTAR and UST. I am impressed to see that UTAR’s researchers are full of positive energy and drive for improvement. This workshop is a success and it really fosters communication between researchers.”

The workshop received encouraging support from UST, and featured four experienced speakers from Taiwan. The notable talks included “Towards High-Efficiency Thin-Film Crystalline Photovoltaics” by Prof Peichen Yu, “Coherent EUV Light Source Driven by High Order Harmonic Generation” by Prof Chen Ming-Chan, “Nanophotonics for LEDs and Optical Communication” by Prof Chen Chii-Chang, and “From Photonics to Biophotonics: A Brief Overview” by Prof Arthur Chiou. The workshop ended with souvenir presentations to the speakers by Prof Faidz.

From left: Dr Pua, Prof Lee, Taiwan’s National Tsing Hua University Institute of Photonics Technologies and Electrical Engineering Dr Chen Ming-Chang, and Taiwan’s National Central University Institute of Optical Sciences Prof Chen Chii-Chang

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