UTAR hosts TIM ASEAN 2017

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET) organised the Technical Interchange Meeting for ASEAN Region Basic Research (TIM ASEAN 2017) at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 23 and 24 March 2017.

Prof Chuah (first row, fifth from right) with TIM ASEAN 2017 delegates

TIM ASEAN 2017 aimed to provide a forum for universities and research institutes in the ASEAN region to present their recent research activities and capabilities, and to foster research collaboration on topics of mutual interest. It was fully supported by three American tri-service units, namely the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) Tokyo Office, Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Tokyo Office and International Technology Center - Pacific (ITC-PAC) Tokyo Office.

At the meeting, researchers learnt about the American tri-service units’ core mission, R&D plans and strategies. The researchers presented their recent research activities or topics to the tri-service representatives to understand how their technology may fit into the government’s requirements and expectations. The American tri-service representatives also analysed the practical use of those research activities and allocated grants to support the research activities in the future.

During his welcome remarks, UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik said, “I wish to extend my warmest welcome to all the researchers and representatives from ASEAN countries, AOARD, ONRG, ITC-PAC and Australia. It is our great honour to host this international research meeting at UTAR. I also wish to extend my gratitude to UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat and Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei for their contributions in contacting researchers from various locales, preparing the venue for this meeting and organising the accommodations and transportation for the guests within such a short period of time.”

“TIM ASEAN 2017 is a very meaningful and important meeting as it provides a platform for the researchers to expand their network with each other. It is also important for our economies as we exchange ideas and knowledge here. I hope many new collaborations and friendships can be forged through this meeting,” he added.

AOARD Programme Manager Dr Seng Hong remarked, “Timing is not everything, but it is the only thing which makes everything happen. I wish to extend my greatest gratitude to Prof Chuah for his kindness in offering this venue to hold TIM ASEAN 2017. The research culture in ASEAN countries has big room for improvement, therefore I wish to combine our efforts from AOARD, ONRG, ITC-PAC, AAET and UTAR to provide an opportunity for researchers in the ASEAN region to foster greater research collaboration.”

Dr Seng Hong (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Chuah

Representative from AOARD, Lt Col Kris Ahlers introduced the mission tools of AOARD saying, “AOARD has four major mission tools including site visits and conference attendance, research grants, conference support and window-on-science travel support. We aim to integrate and support Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) fundamental research with discoveries of emerging foreign science. We currently have 145 projects on-going which are worth about US$9.4million and I hope to invite more talented researchers to join us in future.”

Lt Col Kris Ahlers receiving a souvenir from Prof Chuah

“ONRG provides worldwide science and technology-based solutions for current and future naval challenges. Four thousand people from 23 various locations are currently working on projects worth more than US$2.1billion with more than a thousand partners. We hope to discover the best science around the world, maintain global technical awareness and develop science and technology partnerships and collaborations,” said ONRG Global Technology Awareness Associate Director Dr Ming-Jen Pan.

Prof Chuah extending his thanks to Dr Pan for his participation

ITC-PAC Material Science Director Dr Christopher Drew said, “ITC-PAC is engaged in supporting technology discovery or transfer, discovering foreign alternatives, assisting with armaments cooperation issues, assisting in technology assessments, and responding to requests for information on foreign technologies, companies and academic institutions. ITC-PAC participated in this TIM ASEAN 2017 in order to promote cooperation with international researchers to advance science, engineering and technical capabilities in areas relevant to the overall U.S. Army mission.”

Dr Christopher receiving a token of appreciation from Prof Chuah

The floor was opened to the delegates to contribute to the discussions


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