Chinese Literary Workshop

The guests and participants during the opening ceremony

A group of five lecturers and 94 students from the Chinese Studies Unit of Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Ipoh attended a literary workshop on 5 April 2017 at the Kampar Campus.

The literary workshop was co-organised by the Centre for Chinese Studies’ (CCS) Modern Chinese Literature Studies Unit and IPG’s Chinese Studies Unit.

The IPG delegates were Head of Chinese Studies Unit Lim Cheong Ying, Lecturers Yu Chee Han, Lam Yat Chaw, Ng Sook Gun and Ng Mei Ling. On hand to welcome them were UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Deputy Dean and CCS Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin and Head of CCS’ Modern Chinese Literature Studies Unit Dr Lee Soo Chee.

Dr Wong in his address expressed his warmest welcome to all the participants from IPG and introduced them to the history of UTAR, ICS and CCS. He said, “ICS’ members actively participate in community activities such as New Village Community Project and interactive activities such as today, as it resonates with UTAR’s fundamental founding principle ­– by the people, for the people, that is to serve the community.” He also said that he looked forward to more mutual support and cooperation with IPG in the future, such as academic exchange and cooperation, talk on arts, and historical and contemporary literature.

Lim said, “Thank you for all the support and assistance from UTAR ICS throughout the years and we are looking forward to the academic exchange and cooperation from both institutions in future. We would also like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr Lee for his arrangement and conducting the literary workshop for our IPG students.”

The workshop was conducted by Dr Lee and it was divided into two sessions -- “Browse on the Language Style of Malaysian Chinese Literature Poetry (马华诗歌语言风格浏览)” and “Appreciation of Chinese writer Su Tong’s work The Stained Grass (被玷污的草)”. He introduced participants to the Western literary thoughts, Taiwanese literary thoughts, the influence of Literary Movement on Malaysian Chinese Literature, the historical evolution of Malaysian Chinese Literature Poetry and the famous Malaysian Chinese Literature’s poets during different periods. He encouraged the participants to do poetry reading as it may help student to gain a better understanding on the poems.

Dr Wong (middle) presenting a token of appreciation to Lim, while Dr Lee looks on

Lim (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Wong

From left: Mei Ling, Sook Gun, Lim, Dr Wong, Dr Lee, Lam and Yu

Dr Lee (right) conducting the workshop


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