UTAR's e-learning initiatives

In a simple term, electronic learning or e-learning typically means using a computer to deliver part, or a complete course whether it is in a school, training or a distance learning course encompassing a variety of fields.

Led by UTAR Vice President of Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat, the Online Teaching and Learning Committee aimed to promote and encourage online based learning among students.

An interactive graph on thermal transitions in polymers

UTAR’s Web Based Learning Environment (WBLE) and WBLE2, consist courses from every faculty and an English course by the Centre for Extension Education (CEE). Each course consists of pre-recorded lectures, exercises, links for students to acquire more knowledge, as well as interactive learning components.

Interactive learning plays a huge part in e-learning. Courses on WBLE2 includes various activities such games and quizzes that helps students to become more engaged in the materials, learn and remember effectively.

 A lecture video for CEE’s ‘Practically Perfect English’ course

In line with UTAR’s vision, CEE and the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) currently offers two courses namely, ‘Practical English’ and ‘Sun Zi’s Art of War in Business’ on the Massive open online course (MOOC) service provider OpenLearning.

(MOOC) is an online course that supports unlimited participation and open access via online. In addition to traditional course materials, it offers interactive features such as chat and comment boxes, community forums and interactions among students and academics. Notable service providers include, Coursera and Khan Academy.

Video introduction for Sun Zi’s Art of War in Business

“Millennials are more technological savvy compared to previous generations. They are highly dependent on technology; hence e-learning is able to capture their interest and provide them with a platform for learning,” said Lee Kong Chian, Faculty of Engineering and Science Lecturer and UTAR E-Learning Excellence Award 2016 recipient Dr Chen Kah Pin.

Another award recipient Kok Hui Meian, a Lecturer from the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) said students able to learn at their own pace, focus on certain elements they need to learn and skip what they already know.

“Also, links to other materials such as website, online tutorials and videos are great ways for students to enhance their knowledge”, she continued.

To begin the courses, log in to WBLE2 using the UTAR email and password. To access the courses on OpenLearning, students may sign up here.


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