A concert of hope and love

 A lively performance by the choir

It was a night to remember for 1500 audience who attended the “Oh, What Love” concert on 4 April 2017 at Dewan Tun Ling Liong Sik, Kampar Campus, where the Watoto Children’s Choir presented a mellifluous performance.

Present at the concert that was co-organised by UTAR Christian Fellowship and Westlake International School (WIS) were Westlake International School (WIS) Executive Director and UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and Organising Chairperson Stephanie Tan Fang Yin.

“Organising this concert not only helped to raise funds for other African children, but I believe it will also build up the children’s confidence, and more importantly to tell them that they are accepted by the society, regardless of their backgrounds,” said Tan.

Mesmerising the audience with their beautiful voices, the concert tells of their testament in finding hope and love amidst their sufferings and loss as orphans, while also advocating for the millions of African children who have experienced the same heart-breaking pain and suffering as them.

Through songs and dance, their performance demonstrated their journey from being orphans to their lives being rescued, restored, and now living in the Watoto village, and they successfully conveyed the message of hope and love to the audience.

“I am personally amazed by the message of hope and love delivered by this group of children. They, who once lost hope and love, are now sharing with us the very same love and hope they found. We even received positive feedback from the audience,” commented Tan.

Apart from their talented voices, the children also designed and made merchandises to be sold, to raise funds to help improve their living conditions. Those merchandises included dolls, soaps and jewellery.

Watoto Children’s Choir has travelled since 1994, sharing a message of hope for Africa’s orphans and widows. To date, the choir has toured to six continents and has performed at schools, retirement homes, churches, parliaments, state houses and royal palaces. Their experience of travelling as a choir also helps the children to develop confidence and boldness, as well as broadening their worldview. Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission by sharing personal stories, music and dance, and act as advocates for the millions of other African children. 

The audience captivated by the choir’s performance

The choir singing and dancing happily during their performance

Audience purchasing some of the hand-made merchandises

Some of the audience posing with the Watoto children after the concert

Ending the night with a happy note for the choir and organising committee


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