Gotong-royong project

Following the success of several other gotong-royong projects, the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) of Sungai Long Campus has continued its effort to foster the spirit of maintaining a healthy, clean environment by initiating not one, but two phases of gotong-royong project where phase one was conducted on 15 July 2017 while phase two was held on 25 July 2017. The aim for organising two phases of the gotong-royong project was to not only incorporate the spirit of volunteerism and co-operation among the participants but also to increase the awareness of responsibility and prioritise the nurture of plants when it comes to conserving and preserving the environment.

Student doing clean-up at the pedestrian crossing opposite Sungai Long Medical Center (SLMC)

In conjunction with the UTAR Community Awareness Campaign of May 2017 orientation program, phase one began at the south lobby of the KA block entrance, Sungai Long Campus where the participants gathered to register and a simple briefing was given. The 10 participants, which consisted of 8 students and 2 staff members, were then divided into two groups and assigned to clear the huge amount of garbage, ranging from waste papers to water bottles, dried tree leaves, as well as taking down illegal banners.

Staff and student volunteers at one corner of KA Block

Despite encountering some setbacks which involved poor weather conditions like heavy rain, which resulted in causing some of the focus areas to be damped, the participants were able to continue the activity and it went on for about 2 hours before refreshments were served. There was also a Q&A session conducted to discuss the ways to improve the surroundings of the campus in terms of maintaining the cleanliness of the community as well as its safety.

Some of tree leafs collected in front of North Lobby, KA Block

Following phase two of the project, it was held at the Free Tree Society Jalan Limau Purut, Bangsar, a community environmental friendly project that was established by a group of women with the purpose of looking after healthy saplings before passing them over to the public for free. This was done with the aim to not only increase and improvise the suburban and city green-scape but to also foster the love of local plant among the society.

From left: Cheah Zong Gui, Cheong Kah Kian, Chow Keng Fatt and Lee Chee Kiat with other volunteers

The project began at 9 am where 3 participants from Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering Sciences (LKC FES) and a group of family along with their kids were introduced and briefed by the Chairman of Free Tree Society, Baida Hercus.

Baida (centre) briefing volunteers the method of nurturing the plants

Baida (left) explaining the process of transplanting 

After the briefing session, the participants were given the opportunity to nurture the saplings through cleaning, watering, as well as transplanting a total of 200 tiny eggplants. “There is a proper way of watering plants, and the way you water will play a huge part in determining the condition of the soil, especially during the hot weather, the soil will remain wet and soft for a long duration if watered correctly,” said Baida.

The participants transplanting 200 saplings of eggplants

The activity came to an end after three hours and the participants expressed their interest to invite the committee members of Free Tree Society over to the campus to conduct a talk that would generate the awareness of nurturing plants.

From left:  The participants with Baida (right)

Overall, both phases of the gotong-royong project has managed to run its course smoothly for both the students and staff volunteers involved, as the activities did not only ended according to the schedule, but also, act as a catalyst for the participants to forge a strong foundation to maintain cleanliness and keep the awareness of social responsibility in preserving and conserving the environment.

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