Financial Education Workshop by BNM

Department of Finance from the Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) jointly organised a Financial Education Workshop on 28 July 2017 at the Kampar Campus.

Present at the workshop were FBF Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, BNM representatives Chang Wen Han and Zulkifli Abu Talib, along with UTAR administrative and academic staff.

The talk was aimed at educating the participants on the role and function of BNM, as well as to inform the participants of the various financial crimes and its modus operandi as well as get rich quick schemes that they should be cautious of. At the workshop, a money currency education programme was also conducted.

With Chang the first to speak, he shared information about money scams and illegal schemes that have taken place in Malaysia. “Everyone is advised to alert BNM on any illegal or suspicious activities or entities at 1300-88-5465 or email to,” advised Chang.

Apart from understanding the various bodies that govern the whole financial systems and their respective functions, the participants were also taught to detect fraud money and learnt of the history of money. They were also informed that there were apps created by the BNM to help the public obtain information about all the banks’ phone numbers in case they face any problem.

The insightful workshop then ended with a token of appreciation by Dr Au Yong to Chang, who received it on behalf of BNM.

Dr Au Yong Hui Nee (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Chang (left)

Chang elaborating about the money scam

Zulkifli during the talk

Zulkifli (front row, fifth from right) and Chang (back row, third from right) with the participants

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