Property Management Talk

Dr Wang delivering his talk

The Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) and the Centre for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in Business (CSDCSR) organised a talk titled “Governing Common Properties of Low-Cost Flats in Selangor: Issues and Challenges” at Sungai Long Campus on 31 July 2017.

Present at the talk were CSDCSR Chairperson Dr Mohammad Falahat Nejadmahani, FAM Head of Programme for MBA in Building Management Amalina Binti Azmi, Head of Programme for MBA in Corporate Governance Dr Pok Wei Fong, lecturers and students.

The informative talk featured the speaker Dr Wang Hong Kok who is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), and currently serves as its Honorary Treasurer, Session 2017/2018. Dr Wang graduated in civil engineering from the University of Singapore in 1976. In 2016, he passed the professional assessment interview of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK (RICS), and became a Chartered Surveyor.

The talk highlighted the issues and challenges of the run down condition of Malaysia’s common properties of the strata buildings in general. His talk described the findings on self-governance of strata buildings. Aside from that, Dr Wang explained about certain research conceptual frameworks and the importance of context. He highlighted that most self-governed strata buildings tend to fail and the common properties of low-cost flats can be studied in the same way as common pool resources such as the river, air, forest and others. Furthermore, he spoke of the true meaning of collective action and its relationship to the nature of the community, and rules which shape human conduct for a better society.

“There are exceptional cases where low costs are well managed by enlightened local leadership who serves the community and 90% of common properties will fail due to ill management. The possible solution would be to increase a substantial amount of fund to facilitate the management of common properties,” said Dr Wang.

A Q&A session and a photography session were held before the event adjourned.

Dr Falahat (right) presenting the token of appreciation to Dr Wang (left)

Seated front row from left: Dr Pok, Dr Falahat, Dr Wang, Raymond Ling Leh Bin and Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng

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