VP launches a book

Prof Ewe conducting an Interdisciplinary talk

UTAR Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) organised the launch of UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat’s latest book titled “Universe, Particles and Life (《须弥粒子:科学与佛理交融的缘起世界》)” and an Interdisciplinary talk between Science and Buddhism at Kampar Campus on 13 July 2017.

Guests present at the launch and talk were Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes-cum-CCS Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin, Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng and ICS Visiting Professor from National University of Singapore Assoc Prof Dr Lo Yuet Keung.

Dr Wong presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Ewe

In his welcome remarks, Dr Wong said, “CCS has been committed in the cross-departmental cooperation in recent years. For example, we have jointly organised a talk with the Faculty of Business and Finance recently. And this time we have invited our Vice President Prof Ewe, a science professional scholar who is also concerned with the humanities in the same time, to come over to have an interdisciplinary talk with us.” He added, “I believe this Buddhism lecture will bring warmth to our community and help to promote the humanistic accomplishment.”

Dr Lim (left) and Prof Ewe

The talk was hosted by Dr Lim. Dr Lim and Prof Ewe have known each other during their university studies, and both were active in Buddhist activities. Prof Ewe was the President of University Malaya’s (UM) Buddhist Society in 1989/1990, founder for UM Miao Xi Training Classes and former Board of Director member of the Malaysian Buddhist Youth Association.

Prof Ewe gave a brief introduction regarding the original intention of publishing the book. He began to write the column for Pumen (《普门》) Magazine since the year 2014. The book included the articles published in his column “Xu Mi Li Zi (《须弥粒子》)” in Pumen Magazine. He said, “I like to learn new thing in my daily life, and when I get new insights from these, I am willing to share it to the people through column writing.”

Later on, he explained the title of his book to provide the audience with a better understanding of the title, which combined Buddhism and Science. He said, “The Inconceivable Liberation of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra (《维摩诘经·不可思议品》) wrote ‘Mount Sumeru contains a mustard seed; a mustard seed contains Mount Sumeru (须弥纳芥子,芥子纳须弥)’, with Mount Sumeru hailed as great, while mustard seed hailed as little. Today’s cutting-edge physics believe that all the physical world of the universe is made up of various basic particles. The book focuses on the integration of the colossal Buddhist cosmology and the tiny particles of the physical world, to bring out the wisdom of the world of science and technology.”

He explained the topics related to the span of the universe, the Big Bang and the cell, the evolution of the human world, the probability of causation, Black Swan effect and impermanence, multiverse, the evolution of the earth, human evolution, robot, emotional territory and other topics.

He also shared about books and films that he used as examples in the book, which he strongly recommends, such as “Genius by Stephen Hawking” and “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman.

He said, “Understanding science can allow us to master the knowledge, comprehend Buddhism can give us the wisdom to resolve inner troubles.”

During the Q&A session, the audience asked questions related to Buddhism and Science such as artificial intelligence (AI), the theory of human evolution, eternal life, the big bang, the law of cause and effect in Buddhism, and scientific randomness. The talk ended with an autograph session.

Prof Ewe (front row, third from right) with the participants

Prof Ewe’s new book “Universe, Particles and Life”

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