Promoting good oral health

The Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Kampar organised a talk titled “Oral Care” on 15 November 2017 at the Kampar Campus.

In line with UTAR’s pillar of education – Physical and Mental Health, the talk delivered by invited speaker, Dr Kok Say Kuan from the Kampar Dental Clinic was aimed to educate participants on steps to maintaining good oral health and hygiene.

At the talk, Dr Kok enlightened participants on the consequences of using fake braces, fake implants and the dangers of cosmetic teeth whitening, as well as emphasised the safety and hygiene measures that participants should follow.

“Teenagers are willing to use fake braces to keep up with the latest trends and thinking it as an improvement to their aesthetic appeal is definitely a dangerous situation. This incident has also led to vain culture among teenagers who are increasingly selling fake brace on social media. The fake braces may be appealing but it is important to know the differences between the fake braces and orthopaedic braces,” said Dr Kok.

He also advised, “This trend has posed several health hazards to individual who uses it, therefore participants must be very careful with the fake braces sold online, and to always consult certified dentist or orthodontists to get the right professional treatment.”

He also highlighted to participants of the eleven mistakes that participants should not be making when brushing teeth. Elaborating on that point, he mentioned that flossing is actually considered to be more important than brushing, because flossing can remove bacteria, plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by regular teeth brushing.

With a reminder to mark the end of the talk, Dr Kok advised participants to always visit the dentist every six months, have teeth brushed twice daily, toothbrush changed every three months, and to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol, in order to maintain good oral health, as well as to prevent mouth cancer.

The talk ended with an interactive Q&A session with the participants, followed by presentation of a token of appreciation to Dr Kok by CFS Kampar Director Tan Lee Siew. 

Dr Kok answering students’ questions 

Tan (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Kok

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