CLS Charitable Chinese Cultural Night 2.0

Approximately 500 audience witnessed the success of Charitable Chinese Cultural Night 2.0 organised by UTAR Sungai Long Chinese Language Society (CLS) on 23 June 2017 at Sungai Long Campus Multipurpose Hall.

Invited to grace the opening ceremony was UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik. On hand to receive him were CLS Advisor, who is also Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences lecturer Ooi Ciat Hui and Organising Chairperson Lim De Sheng.

Lim thanked UTAR for giving students a platform to showcase their talents and said, “In line with UTAR’s vision to strive to be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact, UTAR has always encouraged students to participate in extracurricular activities and at the same time, provide a platform for students with common interests to network and to enhance their abilities and talents. Today’s event is a wonderful example of UTAR’s efforts to develop students’ leadership skills, team work, responsibility and culture inheritance.”

In Prof Chuah’s opening speech, he emphasised the importance of the cultural heritage and said, “It is our responsibility to cherish, preserve and protect our great culture that has been passed on by our forefathers. Besides that, Malaysia is the only country in the world that provides the most comprehensive and complete Chinese Education from primary to advance level outside China. I would say we are very lucky because we have the opportunity to learn a variety of languages, but at the same time have the chance to preserve our own culture. I would also like to grab this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the sponsors for their generous supports to our students’ event.”

Prof Chuah during the opening speech

After the opening ceremony, the cultural night proceeded with some interesting and exciting performances including singing and dancing by the children from Da Ci Jiang Tang, 24 festive drums from UTAR Sungai Long Campus, Wushu performance by Sungai Long Wushu Club, harmonica performance by Yu Hua Harmonica Society from Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan (SMJK), comic dialogue performance by Help Chinese Comedy Club from Help University, and singing performance by local artists Fuying and Sam. Other than the invited performers, CLS also prepared diabolo, short comedy dramas, hand miming and lucky draw sessions to entertain the audience.

The Charitable Chinese Cultural Night 2.0 received generous support from their sponsors including Prestar Resources Berhad, Top Glove Corporation Berhad, Weststar- The Art Shop, On FM, Sin Chew ePaper, Chirpybird Music Solutions, Warrix Sport Sdn Bhd, MKH Berhad, JC Visual Printing & Advertising, and Z-team Makeup and Hairdo Service.

Besides that, CLS was also very honoured to receive a great support from CYJ Art Centre artist Lim Eng Lek, a Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink-wash painting expert to prepare Chinese ink-wash paintings as a token of appreciation to the sponsors and the distinguished guests.

The cultural night ended with a song performance by all the committee members and helpers on the stage to express their appreciation to the audience.

From left: Lim De Sheng, Chirpybird Music Solutions Project Manager Elaine Chong, Z-team Makeup Executive Manager Zoey, Ooi, Prof Chuah, Lim Eng Lek, Warrix Sport Sdn Bhd representative Loo Keet Pin, Sin Chew ePaper representative Liang Siew Yin and Weststar-The Art Shop Branch Manager Sang Jia Son

Lim presenting a Chinese ink-wash painting by Lim Eng Lek (first from right) to Prof Chuah while Ooi  looked on

24 Festive Drum Unit presented a heart-stirring performance

SMJK Yu Hua Harmonica Society

A brief yet humorous comedy drama by the CLS

Hand mime for the song “When We Walked Through This Together 当我们一起走过“

The children from Da Ci Jiang Tang

The Wushu Club

A comic dialogue full of substantial content

Local artists Fuying and Sam with the audience

Committee members and helpers

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