A heart for the community

With a heart for the community, the Department of Management and Accountancy of the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Kampar organised two activities, namely “It’s Book O’clock” reading project and a visit to the old folk’s home in Kampar.

The reading project, which aimed to instil reading interest among primary school students and to encourage UTAR students’ active participation in extracurricular activities for a more holistic development, took place on 8 July 2017 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampar and involved 27 standard one students from the school. From UTAR, 14 lecturers and seven students were present to facilitate the event.

The project started with a reading and comprehension activity, whereby students read various stories and were then asked questions to test their comprehension skills. Their listening skills were also tested when they were required to identify words from the newspapers provided, through a listening-game activity. The final activity, which was meant to help the students expand their vocabulary, required them to cut out words beginning with a certain alphabet announced by the facilitator, from the given newspaper.

CFS lecturers and students guiding the participants to complete a task

 UTAR students helping the participants during the listening activity

Meanwhile, the visit to the Canaanland Elderly Home on 22 July 2017 saw the staff and students accompanying the elderly and cleaning the surrounding area of the old folk’s home. The volunteers worked tirelessly to remove the tall lawn weeds and also provided groceries to the elderly. Although it was a small effort, the volunteers were happy to be able to help the elderly and it was certainly a delight for the old folks to have visitors around them. 

 Volunteers clearing the lawn weeds 

 All smiles after the cleaning

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